Saturday, June 9, 2012

Boy Scouts Stick to Their Guns, Refuse to Change Policy on Gays - Godfather Politics

Boy Scouts Stick to Their Guns, Refuse to Change Policy on Gays - Godfather Politics: "The Boy Scouts are refusing to change their policy on not allowing openly gay people to serve in Scouting in any capacity.

The media recently have been panting over the possibility that the Boy Scouts might finally fold on their stance of upholding traditional moral values as activists tried new ploys to get gays into Scouting."

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“All loving” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

“All loving” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "The world often gravitates to the concept of a god who is “all loving.” Such a loving god would never judge people and damn their souls to hell. However, it is more biblical to say that God is love, but He is also the essence of truth, judgment, and righteousness. Therefore, God is bound by His own character to do what is true, just, and right."

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Desiring God, with John Piper - Desiring God - Week of 2/20 - Christian Devotional

Desiring God, with John Piper - Desiring God - Week of 2/20 - Christian Devotional: "A verse in Matthew is somewhat difficult to understand. It seems to dangle in the Sermon on the Mount with little connection to what goes before and after: "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!" (Matthew 6:22-23)."

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Slaves of righteousness. | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

Slaves of righteousness. | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "It is said that when Abraham Lincoln told a young slave girl he had just purchased that he was setting her free, she asked, “To go anywhere I want to go?” Lincoln said, “Yes.” The girl replied, “Then I’m going with you!” Such is our attitude toward Christ. We were slaves of sin until we surrendered to Jesus Christ; now we are slaves of righteousness (see Rom. 6:19). With grateful hearts, we love our Master and delight to do His will."

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Truth is not a text… | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

Truth is not a text… | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "No one can know truth except the one who obeys truth. You think you know truth. People memorize the Scriptures by the yard, but that is not a guarantee of knowing the truth. Truth is not a text. Truth is in the text, but it takes the text plus the Holy Spirit to bring truth to a human soul….” A. W. Tozer"

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What sort of outreach ministries should a church have?

What sort of outreach ministries should a church have?: "Every church has the opportunity to reach out to the lost in their area. What kind of outreach ministries should a church have? First, no single congregation can provide every type of outreach. In His wisdom, God has uniquely gifted each congregation with those who excel in particular types of outreach. We can categorize outreach in two types —essential outreach ministries and optional outreach ministries."

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Slaves of righteousness. | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

Slaves of righteousness. | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "It is said that when Abraham Lincoln told a young slave girl he had just purchased that he was setting her free, she asked, “To go anywhere I want to go?” Lincoln said, “Yes.” The girl replied, “Then I’m going with you!” Such is our attitude toward Christ. We were slaves of sin until we surrendered to Jesus Christ; now we are slaves of righteousness (see Rom. 6:19). With grateful hearts, we love our Master and delight to do His will."

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BGEA: Unless God Moves, This Will Be a Lost Generation

BGEA: Unless God Moves, This Will Be a Lost Generation: "A few weeks ago, my home state of North Carolina held a critical vote on whether to amend the state constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman. My father was quoted in a newspaper ad placed across the state supporting the amendment, and I did radio and television spots to remind people of God’s definition of marriage and the importance of this issue. "

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

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“Adam didn’t die the day God said he would!” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

“Adam didn’t die the day God said he would!” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "Skeptics point to the fact that Adam lived until he was 930 years old (see Gen. 5:5) and claim that he did not die “the day” he ate the forbidden fruit. Just as physical death occurs when our soul separates from our body, spiritual death occurs when our soul is separated from God."

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