Sunday, September 2, 2012

“Your religion is all about faith.” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

“Your religion is all about faith.” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "Much of what we do in life has its foundation in trust. We trust our dentist when he drills, our taxi driver when he drives, our pilots when they fly us. We trust our history books, our teachers, and some still even trust politicians. Marriage is a trust relationship. So are business partnerships and friendships."

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Atheist to Pray at City Council Meeting – Who Do They Pray To? - Godfather Politics

Atheist to Pray at City Council Meeting – Who Do They Pray To? - Godfather Politics: "As I was perusing the news searching for topics to write about, a headline caught my immediate attention.  It reads, Atheist To Offer Prayer At Tulsa Council Meeting.  My first reaction was to ask, ‘Who do atheists pray to?’"

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Anti-Christian Hate Group Targets City Logo - Godfather Politics

Anti-Christian Hate Group Targets City Logo - Godfather Politics: "A couple days ago, I wrote about how the Freedom From Religion Foundation is nothing more than an anti-Christian hate group.  In that blog, they were attacking a small Georgia high school because the local churches fed the football team before games and had done so for years."

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Creationists hit back at Bill Nye with their own video – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Creationists hit back at Bill Nye with their own video – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs: "(CNN) - Bill Nye's viral YouTube video pleading with parents not to teach their children to deny evolution has spawned an online life of it's own, with prominent creationists hitting back against the popular TV host."

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Cross Training | Bezeugen BLOG

Cross Training | Bezeugen BLOG: "Volume 6 in the Speaking God’s Truth in Love series. It highlights the 2008 Beautiful Feet missions conference. This training highlights Bible Study and Prayer that is done as part of an outreach."

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Body Language | Bezeugen BLOG

Body Language | Bezeugen BLOG:

Evangelism training

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The University of Witnessing | Bezeugen BLOG

The University of Witnessing | Bezeugen BLOG: "Volume 4 in the Speaking God’s Truth in Love series. Released Version! Interviews with students and professors. Example witnessing encounters!"

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Heard on the Street | Bezeugen BLOG

Evangelism training

Heard on the Street | Bezeugen BLOG:

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