Thursday, September 27, 2012

“Since we are not saved by works, why can’t I maintain a relationship with God without witnessing?” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

“Since we are not saved by works, why can’t I maintain a relationship with God without witnessing?” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "This is an honest question. Here is the problem. We know that we are saved because the fruit of God’s Spirit will begin manifesting through us. God is love; therefore, we should be filled with love if we have been truly saved (see Rom. 5:5). Think of this scenario. You are in Africa."

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On The Box: Words of Comfort: A Visit to the Mall

On The Box: Words of Comfort: A Visit to the Mall: "I was visiting a mall with my relatives, and stood at a checkout. In front of me was a mother and son. She was kindly buying a music CD for her boy. He was about 15 years old—the age where peer pressure, music, and fashion are strongly influential in his search for identity. It was evident that he was finding it, with his effeminate-look, weird hairstyle and his earrings. He was typical of millions."

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On The Box: Today’s Show Notes: Thursday 27th September, 2012.

On The Box: Today’s Show Notes: Thursday 27th September, 2012.: "“The true believer is the one who lays everything down. That’s as simple as it can get. The one who is counterfeit holds on to the world, his habits, his career. He wants to hold it. And that’s when Jesus says, “No, you can’t be my believer. Let go, let go.” Paris Reidhead"

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hanging… | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

Hanging… | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "If a man is hanging on for dear life to a chain, if it breaks in just one link he will still plummet to his death. Breaking even one law, one time, is enough to condemn us. See James 2:10 comment."

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On The Box: Words of Comfort: Hot Dog for Dinner

On The Box: Words of Comfort: Hot Dog for Dinner: "I was moved as I watch a clip about a man in Florida who loved his dog. His name was Steve Gustafson (the man that is). His dog’s name was “Bounce.” But “Lunch” would have been a more appropriate name. While the 66 year-old was out walking with Bounce, he was pounced on by a seven foot hungry alligator and dragged into the water (the dog that is)."

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On The Box: Today’s Show Notes: Wednesday 26th September, 2012

On The Box: Today’s Show Notes: Wednesday 26th September, 2012: "Todd’s response is such a great reminder of James 3:17, which teaches, “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”"

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bible contradiction? | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

Bible contradiction? | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "Skeptics argue that the Bible’s statement that the covenant of circumcision is to be everlasting (Gen. 17:7,10–11) contradicts verses saying that the circumcision is of no consequence (Gal. 6:15)."

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On The Box: The Poor Linebacker

On The Box: The Poor Linebacker: "You may have seen the clip of that poor Kent State linebacker (Andre Parker) running 58 yards in the wrong direction. I say “poor” because I empathized with him. What he did was understandable, especially for someone like me who has the sense of direction of a dead goose. It’s very easy for me to get disoriented. What amazed me was that the opposing team chased him as he ran the wrong way, and they tackled him. I can’t believe that they too were disorientated, and suspect that they may have been embarrassed by what he was doing, and wanted to take him out as soon as possible. I hope so."

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Works are the fruit. | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

Works are the fruit. | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "Read the below passage.  This passage makes it clear that any salvation from God (whether it be the deliverance of the nation of Israel, or of the sinner through the gospel) doesn’t come by anything we have done. He cleanses us of our sin (see 1 John 1:7; Heb. 10:22) and enables us to do His will—all for His glory and for the sake of His holy name. Salvation is by grace and grace alone, through faith alone, without works. Any good works we do merely confirm God’s grace. Works are the fruit that confirm that the tree is planted in the grace of the Lord."

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Harvest Bible Chapel - Minneapolis - Harvest West Minneapolis

Harvest Bible Chapel - Minneapolis - Harvest West Minneapolis:

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