Thursday, September 29, 2011

On The Box: "America: The Modern-Day Valley of Slaughter"

On The Box: "America: The Modern-Day Valley of Slaughter": In the message, I point out the parallels between Israel of 2,600 years ago and America of today. One of the most striking parallels is how both nations, with reckless abandon, with wanton disregard for the Word and Law of God, and with depraved indifference to the lives of children, sacrificed their children to the worship of false gods.

Evangelism For The Rest of Us | Challies Dot Com

Evangelism For The Rest of Us | Challies Dot Com: I have long admired those who seem to find sharing their faith to be a simple, shameless task. I am ashamed to admit that I sometimes, and perhaps even most of the time, find it difficult and would even rather do anything but.