Monday, March 5, 2012

On The Box: Christians Shouldn't Dance With The Stars

On The Box: Christians Shouldn't Dance With The Stars: "All-too-often, famous Christians dance with the stars. In other words, when given the opportunity to proclaim biblical truth in front of a live, television audience they too often swing and miss. They would rather dance with the stars (show hosts, interviewers, news reporters, and pundits) than proclaim the truth."

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The Bible: Human or Divine? - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff

The Bible: Human or Divine? - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff: "To defend the faith we must be equipped to demonstrate that the Bible is divine rather than human in origin. If we can successfully accomplish this, we can answer a host of other objections simply by appealing to Scripture. To chart our course I will use the acronym M-A-P-S. Since most Bibles have maps in the back, this should prove to be a memorable association."

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