Friday, April 19, 2013

On The Box: Today’s Show Notes: Friday, 19th April 2013.

On The Box: Today’s Show Notes: Friday, 19th April 2013.:

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Student Asks About Bible – Teacher Gives Bible to Student – School Fires Teacher

Student Asks About Bible – Teacher Gives Bible to Student – School Fires Teacher: "If you think that schools are supposed to educate your kids, think again.  After nearly a century of liberal control of the public school system, they are nothing more than institutions of brainwashing and indoctrination.  They do not teach or allow students to think, reason and inquire on their own."

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Judge Says Christian Innkeeper Violated Rights When Refused to Rent Room to Lesbian Couple

Judge Says Christian Innkeeper Violated Rights When Refused to Rent Room to Lesbian Couple: "Gay-rights activists are once again celebrating a legal victory that places their sinful lifestyle over the rights of the Christian innkeeper."

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On The Box: Words of Comfort: Prison Sympathy.

On The Box: Words of Comfort: Prison Sympathy.: "I recently spoke to a 16 year-old who insisted that if a man raped a woman and slit her throat, he wasn’t "bad." She didn’t agree with his actions, but there was a reason he did what he did, and that should be taken into account. When I asked her if Hitler was "bad" in killing six million Jews, she said that he wasn’t. She didn’t agree with what he did and she even sympathized with him because something had obviously caused him to act in the way he did. Predictably, she believed that people go to prison to be rehabilitated rather than to be punished for their crimes. This is because they weren’t bad. They were in prison because they had gone off the rails, and so they needed sympathy."

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