How did the things Jesus said and did when He was alone get recorded in the Gospels?: "Answer: There are a number of times in the Gospels when Jesus’ words are quoted or His actions are described during times that He was alone. For example, when Jesus was in the desert for forty days (Matthew 4) or praying in the Garden at Gethsemane (Mark 14), He was by Himself. How did anyone know what He said or did, since there were no eyewitnesses to what happened?"
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Christian Music Expert Challenges Believers to Avoid Secular Entertainment for 30 Days | Christian News ServiceChristian News Service
Christian Music Expert Challenges Believers to Avoid Secular Entertainment for 30 Days | Christian News ServiceChristian News Service: "Carlsbad, CALIF, Jan. 30, 2014, (CHRISTIAN NEWS SERVICE) — What do Michael W. Smith, TobyMac, and Josh McDowell all have in common? They and many other Christian leaders all endorse Al Menconi’s new book, The Christian Music Challenge."
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Christian Marriage: How To Keep Your Love From Falling Apart - Christian Blog - Christian Blog
Christian Marriage: How To Keep Your Love From Falling Apart - Christian Blog - Christian Blog: "According to Debbie Holloway, Family Life Editor for, a Christian website featuring resources such as Bible Study Tools, video’s and information about Christian life, there are many good pieces of advice from various experts in the field if you want to know how to keep your marriage happy."
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Twenty-two Christians killed in Nigeria | Worthy Christian News
Twenty-two Christians killed in Nigeria | Worthy Christian News: "DAMASCUS, SYRIA (Worthy News)– International Christian Concern has reported that 22 Christians were killed in an assault on a worship service in northeastern Nigeria Sunday morning."
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Skater Trades Olympic Dreams for Christian Ministry
Skater Trades Olympic Dreams for Christian Ministry: "There are tens of thousands of little girl ice skaters who have dreams of competing in the Olympics. Dreams of stardom and fame as a champion ice skater fill their night times and push their daytimes with hours of rigorous and grueling practice. Thousands dream, but few ever make it to the top level"
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Words of Comfort: Einstein's example. —
Words of Comfort: Einstein's example. — ""As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene... No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life." - Albert Einstein"
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Putin: Obama’s Anti-Christian Views are Ruining America | American Overlook
Putin: Obama’s Anti-Christian Views are Ruining America | American Overlook: "Maybe when the Russians say it, people will start to listen.
Russian President Vladimir Putin claims America is being ruined by under President Obama because he doesn’t support traditional Christian values.
During Putin’s State of the Nation speech last month he said, “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values… Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan.”"
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Russian President Vladimir Putin claims America is being ruined by under President Obama because he doesn’t support traditional Christian values.
During Putin’s State of the Nation speech last month he said, “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values… Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan.”"
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Christian Singer Natalie Grant Responds to Hate Mail After Walking Out of Grammy's Because of Disturbing Performances —
Christian Singer Natalie Grant Responds to Hate Mail After Walking Out of Grammy's Because of Disturbing Performances — "But wow, I have been reading about it, as, no doubt, many of you have.
We'll ignore the gay wedding stunts and the fact that Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z performed such a raunchy duet that a firestorm of protest has erupted from parents' groups around the country, and focus, for the moment, on Katy Perry."
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We'll ignore the gay wedding stunts and the fact that Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z performed such a raunchy duet that a firestorm of protest has erupted from parents' groups around the country, and focus, for the moment, on Katy Perry."
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Anti-Christian Hollywood strips Christian film of Oscar nomination —
Anti-Christian Hollywood strips Christian film of Oscar nomination — "This year’s most-obscure Oscar nominee is no more.
At a meeting this week, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences board of governors decided to strip the surprise nomination for Best Song from “Alone Yet Not Alone,” which appears in the independent Christian-produced film of the same name."
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At a meeting this week, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences board of governors decided to strip the surprise nomination for Best Song from “Alone Yet Not Alone,” which appears in the independent Christian-produced film of the same name."
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Christian Issues | Issues affecting Christians
Christian Issues | Issues affecting Christians: "I read an article the other day that really worries me if it is true. The article was called “why young people aren’t going to church” Here are the reasons that were quoted in the article."
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8 Yr Old Autistic Boy Not Allowed to Read Bible during Free Time at School
8 Yr Old Autistic Boy Not Allowed to Read Bible during Free Time at School: "You would think that educators are capable of learning on their own or even being able to be taught something, but evidently there are a lot of them out there that aren’t educatable."
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
What should we learn from the life of Ezekiel?
What should we learn from the life of Ezekiel?: "Answer: For the first-time reader of the Bible, the book of Ezekiel is mostly a perplexing maze of incoherent visions, a kaleidoscope of whirling wheels (chapter 1) and dry bones (chapter 37) that defy interpretation. This impression often causes readers to shy away from studying the book and miss one of the great literary and spiritual portions of the Old Testament. The book is named after the author, Ezekiel, whose name means “strengthened by God.” As you read and study this amazing book, draw strength as Ezekiel did from the One who is Himself strength."
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Book of Ezekiel - Bible Survey
Book of Ezekiel - Bible Survey: "The Prophet Ezekiel is the author of the Book (Ezekiel 1:3). He was a contemporary of both Jeremiah and Daniel.
Date of Writing: The Book of Ezekiel was likely written between 593 and 565 B.C. during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
Purpose of Writing: Ezekiel ministered to his generation who were both exceedingly sinful and thoroughly hopeless. By means of his prophetic ministry he attempted to bring them to immediate repentance and to confidence in the distant future. He taught that: (1) God works through human messengers; (2) Even in defeat and despair God's people need to affirm God's sovereignty; (3) God's Word never fails; (4) God is present and can be worshiped anywhere; (5) People must obey God if they expect to receive blessings; and (6) God's Kingdom will come."
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Date of Writing: The Book of Ezekiel was likely written between 593 and 565 B.C. during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
Purpose of Writing: Ezekiel ministered to his generation who were both exceedingly sinful and thoroughly hopeless. By means of his prophetic ministry he attempted to bring them to immediate repentance and to confidence in the distant future. He taught that: (1) God works through human messengers; (2) Even in defeat and despair God's people need to affirm God's sovereignty; (3) God's Word never fails; (4) God is present and can be worshiped anywhere; (5) People must obey God if they expect to receive blessings; and (6) God's Kingdom will come."
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Does Genesis chapter 1 mean literal 24-hour days?
Does Genesis chapter 1 mean literal 24-hour days?: "Answer: A careful examination of the Hebrew word for “day” and the context in which it appears in Genesis will lead to the conclusion that “day” means a literal, 24-hour period of time. The Hebrew word yom translated into the English “day” can mean more than one thing. It can refer to the 24-hour period of time that it takes for the earth to rotate on its axis (e.g., “there are 24 hours in a day”). It can refer to the period of daylight between dawn and dusk (e.g., “it gets pretty hot during the day but it cools down a bit at night”). And it can refer to an unspecified period of time (e.g., “back in my grandfather's day...”)."
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Christian Students Are Being Targeted For Discrimination In School —
Christian Students Are Being Targeted For Discrimination In School — "Christian students at public schools throughout the U.S.are suffering from discrimination and ridicule and most of it is coming from their teachers, according to Bob Tyler, general counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom based in California."
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Words of Comfort: Fool. —
Words of Comfort: Fool. — "Does it grieve you, my friends, that the name of God is being taken in vain and desecrated? Does it grieve you that we are living in a godless age? ...But, we are living in such an age and the main reason we should be praying about revival is that we are anxious to see God's name vindicated and His glory manifested. We should be anxious to see something happening that will arrest the nations, all the peoples, and cause them to stop and to think again.” - Martyn Lloyd-Jones"
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Christian Grammy Winner Reveals Why She Purposefully Decided Not to Attend the Award Show —
Christian Grammy Winner Reveals Why She Purposefully Decided Not to Attend the Award Show — "At least one Grammy winner made a decisive choice not to attend Sunday night’s award show. In a post on her official Facebook page, gospel singer Mandisa offered some “brutal honesty” in explaining why she decided to stay home rather than accept the awards in person — and much of her choice centered upon her faith."
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Martin Luther King, Jr: Reverend or Doctor and why it matters
Martin Luther King, Jr: Reverend or Doctor and why it matters: "That’s because Reverend Michael King, Jr is the only private citizen to have a national holiday in his honor, and is Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
King’s father changed his and his son’s names to Martin Luther in honor of the German reformer, Martin Luther."
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King’s father changed his and his son’s names to Martin Luther in honor of the German reformer, Martin Luther."
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Monday, January 27, 2014
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Booth was right.
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Booth was right.: "“The chief danger of the 20th Century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and Heaven without Hell.” - William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army)."
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Saturday, January 25, 2014
Must Watch: Hobby Lobby Releases Video Attacking Obamacare
Must Watch: Hobby Lobby Releases Video Attacking Obamacare: "This administration has declared war on religious liberty. The message to committed Christians has been clear: Keep your religion inside your church walls, and don’t you dare try to practice your faith in public lest you suffer the wrath of Leviathan.
For many Christian churches, businesses (both large and small), adoption agencies, and charities, the bond between faith and practice in the public square is inseparable. This means that these organizations adopt policies consistent with the dictates of Christian ethics. Unfortunately, these policies are being undermined by an executive who never ceases to overstep its bounds."
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For many Christian churches, businesses (both large and small), adoption agencies, and charities, the bond between faith and practice in the public square is inseparable. This means that these organizations adopt policies consistent with the dictates of Christian ethics. Unfortunately, these policies are being undermined by an executive who never ceases to overstep its bounds."
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Islamic extremists in Nigeria attack Christians at Sunday worship —
Islamic extremists in Nigeria attack Christians at Sunday worship — "Islamic extremists have attacked villages in three states in Nigeria every Sunday this month, killing at least 15 Christians.
Christian leaders in the Agatu Local Government Area of central Nigeria’s Benue state said ethnic Fulani herdsmen were responsible for raids on two villages that left seven Christians dead on Sunday morning (Jan. 19), though a Fulani spokesman said the assailants must have come from elsewhere as there are no Fulani herdsmen known in the area."
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Christian leaders in the Agatu Local Government Area of central Nigeria’s Benue state said ethnic Fulani herdsmen were responsible for raids on two villages that left seven Christians dead on Sunday morning (Jan. 19), though a Fulani spokesman said the assailants must have come from elsewhere as there are no Fulani herdsmen known in the area."
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FOX News' Brit Humes Vents on What Abortion Really Is, Makes Passionate Commentary for LIFE
FOX News' Brit Humes Vents on What Abortion Really Is, Makes Passionate Commentary for LIFE: "At 20 weeks, we know now, these tiny creatures can hear, even recognize a mother's voice... The moral case for allowing such beings to be killed grows ever weaker, and its advocates resort to evermore absurd euphemisms to describe what they support." -Brit Hume"
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Friday, January 24, 2014
What is the Sermon on the Mount?
What is the Sermon on the Mount?: "Answer: The Sermon on the Mount is the sermon that Jesus gave in Matthew chapters 5-7. Matthew 5:1-2 is the reason it is known as the Sermon on the Mount: "Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them..." The Sermon on the Mount is the most famous sermon Jesus ever gave, perhaps the most famous sermon ever given by anyone."
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What does the Bible say about selflessness?
What does the Bible say about selflessness?: "Answer: The characteristic of being selfless is one of the most important traits any Christian can have. It’s so significant that Jesus said it is the second most important of all God’s commandments: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31; cf. Galatians 5:14). Jesus wasn’t creating a new law here; He was merely agreeing with and expounding on an Old Testament law (Leviticus 19:18). James calls this the “royal” law to emphasize its supreme value to God (James 2:8)."
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Got Questions - Question of the Week
Got Questions - Question of the Week: "Answer: Since the fall of man, the basis of salvation has always been the death of Christ. No one, either prior to the cross or since the cross, would ever be saved without that one pivotal event in the history of the world. Christ's death paid the penalty for past sins of Old Testament saints and future sins of New Testament saints."
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Words of Comfort: Knowledge of sin. —
Words of Comfort: Knowledge of sin. — "Some people do not like to hear much of repentance; but I think it is so necessary that if I should die in the pulpit, I would desire to die preaching repentance, and if out of the pulpit I would desire to die practicing it.” Matthew Henry"
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Switchfoot’s New Album Debuts Atop ‘Billboard’ Chart
Switchfoot’s New Album Debuts Atop ‘Billboard’ Chart: "Switchfoot’s Fading West debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Christian/gospel chart, as well as hitting No. 2 on the overall rock album chart and No. 6 in the Top 200. The new album, which hit stores Jan. 14, has already passed the high mark set by the band’s 2011 album, Vice Verses, which peaked at No. 8 on the Top 200 chart."
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Homosexuals Sue to Overturn Florida’s Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage - Crossmap Christian News | U.S.
Homosexuals Sue to Overturn Florida’s Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage - Crossmap Christian News | U.S.: "Six homosexuals and their partners have filed a lawsuit in Florida in an effort to overturn the state's constitutional amendment enshrining marriage as being between a man and a woman."
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
Answers: Struggling with Patience? | Story | BGEA
Answers: Struggling with Patience? | Story | BGEA: " If I had to make a list of my faults, the first thing on the list would have to be “impatience.” I wish I was a more patient person, but I’m afraid it just isn’t in me to be that way. Does the Bible say anything about this?"
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Christian Issues | Issues affecting Christians
Christian Issues | Issues affecting Christians: "The law in Oregon says about religious freedom, “ “Freedom of religious opinion. No law shall in any case whatever control the free exercise, and enjoyment of religious opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience.” This seems to be pretty clear that you can’t force anyone to do something if if interferes with the religious beliefs."
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Left Uses Cussing 'Jesus' to Push Abortion Agenda
Left Uses Cussing 'Jesus' to Push Abortion Agenda: "As pro-life marchers bore icy weather in Washington, D.C., to commemorate the 40 years since the Supreme Court made its landmark Roe v. Wade decision, the Left was churning out new pro-abortion propaganda, even invoking Jesus to support their cause."
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What Does Evangelism Look Like, Anyway? —
What Does Evangelism Look Like, Anyway? — "I’m always grateful when someone feels compelled to share a blog post. I’d say it is humbling to know that my thoughts are influencing preachers and lay people alike, but anyone who knows me, knows that humility isn’t something I’m very good at. I do consider it a blessing to be invited into the lives of people I don’t even know, which is, apart from my own spiritual need to do this, the main reason I keep blogging even on busy and stress filled days. "
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How To Help Your Teen Get Closer To God —
How To Help Your Teen Get Closer To God — "Keeping a teenager focused on God is important as they begin to experience proms, dating, college and a host of other changes that occur in their life. According to Gina McClain, children change as they become teenagers, and the beliefs they held onto as children begin to change. No longer will they depend on their parent’s ideals and beliefs – they begin to seek truth on their own terms. This is quite normal and part of the growing process, says Gina."
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Words of Comfort: Planet Earth. —
Words of Comfort: Planet Earth. — "“Hate to break it to you but you live on planet Earth. Planet Earth is your home.” Mark Howard
It’s not common knowledge that this planet is our home. We are going to inherit this earth. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." "
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It’s not common knowledge that this planet is our home. We are going to inherit this earth. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." "
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What Do You Do If Your Church Hurts You? —
What Do You Do If Your Church Hurts You? — "No one expects to be mistreated by their pastor, the First Lady or even one of the deacons. So, how do you handle being hurt by someone at the church? Do you leave? Do you confront the individual? Or do you just turn the ‘other cheek’? In a short article written by Jennifer Claire, ‘Overcoming Hurt Feelings, God’s Way,’ she explains the steps to take in such a situation. She discussed the issue while appearing as a guest on the Love and Life Radio show with Coach Steph. What would Jesus do?"
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Words of Comfort: New Zealand Police. —
Words of Comfort: New Zealand Police. — "Leonie Trent is a regular atheist who quoted me when I said, “Years ago, I told 100 kids to line up for candy. As I looked at the line I noticed that it was a line of greed. The greedy brats were at the front, and the quiet sickly and humble kids had been pushed to the back. So I took great delight in turning the line around 180 degrees and going to the quiet sickly kids first, much to the disgust of the greedy brats at the back.” Then she asked, “Did anyone call the police and did you tell the parents this?"
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Words of Comfort: Eternity. —
Words of Comfort: Eternity. — "“How long is eternity? Someday you theists will look back on your words and feel embarrassed.” Richard Notizia
Embarrassed? Never. The Bible says, “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall not be ashamed.” This short life is filled with pain, futility, aging, and then the surety of death—and with this life there is a little joy here and there. In reality, each of us isn’t searching for happiness; rather, we are fighting off unhappiness. We are constantly barraged with problems, sickness and pain. Dentists, doctors, lawyers, and undertaker’s have secure jobs in this life. "
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Embarrassed? Never. The Bible says, “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall not be ashamed.” This short life is filled with pain, futility, aging, and then the surety of death—and with this life there is a little joy here and there. In reality, each of us isn’t searching for happiness; rather, we are fighting off unhappiness. We are constantly barraged with problems, sickness and pain. Dentists, doctors, lawyers, and undertaker’s have secure jobs in this life. "
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Monday, January 20, 2014
Minding The Truth | Peyton Manning’s Christian Faith
Minding The Truth | Peyton Manning’s Christian Faith: "Yesterday Peyton Manning, the quarterback of the playoff-bound Denver Broncos, completed the greatest statistical regular season at the quarterback position in the 94-year history of the National Football League (NFL). This regular season saw Manning set records in yards passed in a season (5,477) and touchdowns thrown in a season (55), and he led his team to accumulate more points (606) in a regular season than had ever been done before. Manning also tied the record for touchdowns thrown in a game (7) in the Broncos Week 1 win over the defending Super Bowl Champions, the Baltimore Ravens."
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Girl Scouts Name Wendy Davis as 'Incredible' Woman, Show Ties to Abortion Industry
Girl Scouts Name Wendy Davis as 'Incredible' Woman, Show Ties to Abortion Industry: "As Tony Lee of Breitbart News reported Saturday, the Girl Scouts recently promoted late-term abortion advocate and Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis as one of their “incredible women of the year.”
According to the report, the official Girl Scouts Twitter account referred to Davis, who filibustered a bill that banned abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy, as “incredible,” and linked to a Huffington Post list containing the names of Gloria Steinem and Davis."
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According to the report, the official Girl Scouts Twitter account referred to Davis, who filibustered a bill that banned abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy, as “incredible,” and linked to a Huffington Post list containing the names of Gloria Steinem and Davis."
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GODLINESS Based on II Peter 1:6 by Glenn Pease
GODLINESS Based on II Peter 1:6 by Glenn Pease: "Feodore Dostoevski in The Brothers Karamazov brings Christ back to earth inimagination to a 16th century setting in Spain. It was during the terrible Inquisitionwhen so-called heretics were being burned at the stake in great number. Jesus beganat once to heal the sick, make the blind to see, the lame to walk, and the dead to rise.When the Cardinal of Seville, the Grand Inquisitor, entered the square in front of the Cathedral he observed what Jesus was doing, and ordered Him arrested"
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A TIME TO STOP PRAYING By Glenn Pease: "The people of Israel are facing the sea, and the Egyptians are coming in fury to take them hostageagain. They are filled with fear and trembling, and what more appropriate time could their be tocry out to God for his power to rescue them? evertheless, God does not want them to be cryingto him. He tells Moses to knock it off, and to tell the people to move on. This is no time for prayerGod is saying. This is a time to stop praying and move. "
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Colorado Representative Introduces Bill to Make Abortion a Felony in the State | Christian News Network
Colorado Representative Introduces Bill to Make Abortion a Felony in the State | Christian News Network: " A Republican representative in Colorado has introduced a bill that would make abortion a class 3 felony in the state.
Rep. Steve Humphrey introduced House Bill 1133 on Thursday, a proposal similar to a measure he penned last year. The bill defines life as beginning at conception, and thus bars abortion for any reason, including in cases of rape and incest."
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Rep. Steve Humphrey introduced House Bill 1133 on Thursday, a proposal similar to a measure he penned last year. The bill defines life as beginning at conception, and thus bars abortion for any reason, including in cases of rape and incest."
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Florida Public School Bible Distribution Moves Forward Despite Atheist Lawsuit | Christian News Network
Florida Public School Bible Distribution Moves Forward Despite Atheist Lawsuit | Christian News Network: "ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – A public school Bible distribution went forward in Florida on Thursday despite a lawsuit against the district for prohibiting the distribution of certain atheist publications last year, while allowing religious materials to go uncensored."
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'Duck Dynasty' Retains Advertisers Despite Phil Robertson's Views on Homosexuality
'Duck Dynasty' Retains Advertisers Despite Phil Robertson's Views on Homosexuality: "Duck Dynasty" Season 5 premiere ratings may not have matched its massive record-setting Season 4 premiere, but the show has retained all its major advertisers despite the patriarch Phil Robertson's remarks on homosexuality in the current issue of GQ magazine."
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Arizona School Board Unanimously Votes to Bring Prayer Back to Public Meetings - Crossmap Christian News | U.S.
Arizona School Board Unanimously Votes to Bring Prayer Back to Public Meetings - Crossmap Christian News | U.S.: " A school board in Arizona has voted unanimously to reinstate prayers at public meetings after voting just two months ago to replace the invocations with a moment of silence.
More U.S. News
‘Dear Martin’: Bishop’s letters to MLK trace the highs and lows in race relations
Pro-Life Buffer Zones Rebuffed as Abortion Clinics Compared to Slaughterhouses at the Supreme Court
29-Year-Old Woman's Beautiful Answer to "Why are You STILL a Virgin?"
The five-member Mesa school board agreed without dissent to invite clergy from all religions to participate in a new pre-meeting program, according to The Republic."
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More U.S. News
‘Dear Martin’: Bishop’s letters to MLK trace the highs and lows in race relations
Pro-Life Buffer Zones Rebuffed as Abortion Clinics Compared to Slaughterhouses at the Supreme Court
29-Year-Old Woman's Beautiful Answer to "Why are You STILL a Virgin?"
The five-member Mesa school board agreed without dissent to invite clergy from all religions to participate in a new pre-meeting program, according to The Republic."
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How MLK's Faith Influenced His Public Life —
How MLK's Faith Influenced His Public Life — "Across the country today, speakers will honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. They will likely quote the resounding “I Have a Dream” speech and the stirring “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”
But what made it possible for King to accomplish so much? Let’s go deeper into the origins of his belief that men and women of all races are born to the same rights and freedoms."
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But what made it possible for King to accomplish so much? Let’s go deeper into the origins of his belief that men and women of all races are born to the same rights and freedoms."
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The U.S. & Christian Persecution -Obama Does Nothing to Protect Christians & Other Minorities in the Muslim World. | Christian News
The U.S. & Christian Persecution -Obama Does Nothing to Protect Christians & Other Minorities in the Muslim World. | Christian News: "Prominent indicators confirm that the U.S. is the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today.
According to the recently released 2014 World Watch List, which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted, Syria is the third worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, Iraq is fourth, Afghanistan fifth, and Libya 13th. All four countries receive the strongest designation, “extreme persecution” (other designations are “severe,” “moderate,” and “sparse” persecution)."
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According to the recently released 2014 World Watch List, which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted, Syria is the third worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, Iraq is fourth, Afghanistan fifth, and Libya 13th. All four countries receive the strongest designation, “extreme persecution” (other designations are “severe,” “moderate,” and “sparse” persecution)."
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Man Who Plotted to Bomb Dozens of Oklahoma Churches Found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity | Christian News Network
Man Who Plotted to Bomb Dozens of Oklahoma Churches Found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity | Christian News Network: "TULSA – An Illinois man who plotted to bomb dozens of churches in Oklahoma two years ago has been found not guilty in federal court by reason of insanity."
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Christian Movie 'Alone Yet Not Alone' Receives Surprising Oscar Nomination
Christian Movie 'Alone Yet Not Alone' Receives Surprising Oscar Nomination: "A Christian movie, which only screened in nine cities in 2013, has picked up an Academy Award nomination for "Best Original Song" this week and has surprised both critics and the song's composer and singer alike.
Joni Erickson Tada, the vocalist for the song, as well as an author, painter and quadriplegic who runs her own organization Joni and Friends, said that the Oscar nomination came as a complete surprise to her."
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Joni Erickson Tada, the vocalist for the song, as well as an author, painter and quadriplegic who runs her own organization Joni and Friends, said that the Oscar nomination came as a complete surprise to her."
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Sunday, January 19, 2014
Rio's famous Christ the Redeemer statue keeps losing its fingers —
Rio's famous Christ the Redeemer statue keeps losing its fingers — "Lightning does strike twice when it comes to Rio de Janeiro's iconic Christ the Redeemer statue. The landmark lost another finger last week.
The only problem with being a 100-foot-tall statue on a mountaintop is the lightning. The iconic Christ the Redeemer statue, which overlooks Rio de Janeiro, has suffered two fingers chipped over the past few weeks after being struck by lightning."
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The only problem with being a 100-foot-tall statue on a mountaintop is the lightning. The iconic Christ the Redeemer statue, which overlooks Rio de Janeiro, has suffered two fingers chipped over the past few weeks after being struck by lightning."
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Saturday, January 18, 2014
New School Prayer
New School Prayer: "Since the Pledge of Allegiance
The Lord's Prayer
are not allowed in most
public schools anymore
because the word
"God" is mentioned
a kid in Arizona wrote
a new school prayer:"
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The Lord's Prayer
are not allowed in most
public schools anymore
because the word
"God" is mentioned
a kid in Arizona wrote
a new school prayer:"
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Evolution vs creationism by spease
Evolution vs creationism by spease: "There are really only 2 ways to believe about how the Earth and the Universe were created. There is creation by a supernatural being, God, or the big bang and the theory of evolution. For the most part, we all believe in one way or the other.
If we take a look at both sides, and what we know about each, we should be able to come to a reasonable conclusion of which way is more likely to have happened. "
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If we take a look at both sides, and what we know about each, we should be able to come to a reasonable conclusion of which way is more likely to have happened. "
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Should Christians read the Bible daily? | Christian Issues
Should Christians read the Bible daily? | Christian Issues: "Reading the Bible is something I feel Christians should do every day. I feel it is important for a couple of reasons. First of all, you need to keep Jesus number one in your life, to do that it takes a commitment from all of us. It’s not easy to do because we are all so busy every day."
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Why ‘witnessing tools’ never work and why the acting is always bad in evangelism-training videos
Why ‘witnessing tools’ never work and why the acting is always bad in evangelism-training videos: "This purports to be an evangelism-training video urging Christians to “witness” at their Jewish friends. Or, rather, urging them to go out and make “friends” with some Jewish people, but just so that they can then witness at them."
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Friday, January 17, 2014
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: By Ronald Reagan
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: By Ronald Reagan: "Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the conscience...without God there is a coarsening of the society; without God democracy will not and cannot long endure . . . If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” Ronald Reagan"
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Are Christians Misusing and Misinterpreting This Wildly Popular Bible Verse? |
Are Christians Misusing and Misinterpreting This Wildly Popular Bible Verse? | "These words come from Philippians 4:13, a wildly popular Bible verse — one that is often cited and used to inspire Christians to reach their goals and to press on when the going gets tough. But is it being “misunderstood, misused, and misinterpreted” as Religion News Service columnist Jonathan Merritt recently charged?"
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Will we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?
Will we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?: "Answer: Many people say that the first thing they want to do when they arrive in heaven is see all their friends and loved ones who have passed on before them. In eternity, there will be plenty of time to see, know, and spend time with our friends and family members"
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Will there be such a thing as gender in Heaven?
Will there be such a thing as gender in Heaven?: "Answer: Matthew 22:30 speaks of people after the resurrection not participating in marriage—they become "like the angels." However, this does not mean people are genderless. The masculine, not neuter, pronoun is used many times to describe angels (and HE was like...HIS appearance was like, etc.). So there is no real indication that the angels are genderless beings."
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How will our resurrection body be different from our current body?
How will our resurrection body be different from our current body?: "
Answer: In his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul discusses the great differences between our earthly bodies and our resurrected bodies (see 1 Corinthians 15:35-54). Contrasting our earthly bodies with the splendor of our heavenly (resurrected) bodies, Paul says, “The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body” (vv. 42-44, emphasis added). In short, our resurrected bodies are spiritual, imperishable, and raised in glory and power."
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Answer: In his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul discusses the great differences between our earthly bodies and our resurrected bodies (see 1 Corinthians 15:35-54). Contrasting our earthly bodies with the splendor of our heavenly (resurrected) bodies, Paul says, “The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body” (vv. 42-44, emphasis added). In short, our resurrected bodies are spiritual, imperishable, and raised in glory and power."
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Thursday, January 16, 2014
-California: Christians Arrested for Reading the Bible in Public | ANSWERS For The Faith
-California: Christians Arrested for Reading the Bible in Public | ANSWERS For The Faith: "Three Christians were recently arrested for reading the Bible out loud on public property in front of a California DMV office while waiting for it to open.
Mark Mackey, an assistant pastor along with two leaders from Calvary Chapel of Hemet were in front of a California DMV office and began to read from the Bible aloud. They were approached by a security guard who demanded that they stop"
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Mark Mackey, an assistant pastor along with two leaders from Calvary Chapel of Hemet were in front of a California DMV office and began to read from the Bible aloud. They were approached by a security guard who demanded that they stop"
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Bible Verses About Strength- 25 Encouraging Scripture Quotes « Charging LIFE
Bible Verses About Strength- 25 Encouraging Scripture Quotes « Charging LIFE: "Isaiah 40:28-31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary,and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
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Can We Really be Optimistic This Year? A New Year’s Message
Can We Really be Optimistic This Year? A New Year’s Message: "With all that has happened and all that is happening, and not happening, can we really live a life of optimism?
Hear the Word of God:
“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel…”"
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Hear the Word of God:
“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel…”"
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Armed and Right-e-ous | Reflections in The WORD
Armed and Right-e-ous | Reflections in The WORD: "Every true child of God soon learns that the Christian life is warfare, not against each other, but against the devil and his schemes! The Apostle Paul is warns us to be prepared in advance for the onslaught of satan’s attacks. The first preparatory command is to be strengthened in the Lord and the boundless resources of His might. By reading God’s Word and applying it to our everyday lives, we will know how to react when the devil attacks us. The enemy knows our weaknesses, and we need to be aware of them as well, because that is exactly where he will strike time after time!"
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Questions You Have About Evangelism — Follow and Fish
Questions You Have About Evangelism — Follow and Fish: "Evangelism is sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard it before. “Witnessing” and “sharing your faith” refer to evangelizing. When someone evangelizes, he or she shares the good news of the Gospel message with someone who has not heard or understood it before. Also, if the person being witnessed to is a Christian, the person evangelizing can aim to encourage the Christian in his or her faith."
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PETS ARE FOREVER: "Ralph Helfer is one of those famous people very few know about. He is wellknown to those who use his services, but they are so specialized that most of usnever become aware of his uniqueness. He has entertained all of us even though wehave not likely ever seen him. Ralph has supplied animal performers for over 5,000movies and TV programs. He has won 18 Patsy Awards for the best animalperformer on the screen. He owned and operated the world's largest wild animalrental company, and is the founder of Marineworld/Africa USA."
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: By Matthew Henry
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: By Matthew Henry: "“As that which is straight discovers that which is crooked, so there is no way of coming to that knowledge of sin which is necessary to repentance, but by comparing our hearts and lives with the Law."
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First-grader told to stop talking about Bible | Fox News
First-grader told to stop talking about Bible | Fox News: "The parents of a 6-year-old girl said their daughter was humiliated when a teacher interrupted the child’s one-minute speech and told her to sit down because she’s “not allowed to talk about the Bible in school,” attorneys for the California family allege.
The incident occurred Dec. 19 inside a first grade classroom at Helen Hunt-Jackson Elementary School in Temecula, Calif. The previous day the teacher instructed boys and girls to find something at home that represented a family Christmas tradition. They were supposed to bring the item to school and share the item in a classroom presentation"
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The incident occurred Dec. 19 inside a first grade classroom at Helen Hunt-Jackson Elementary School in Temecula, Calif. The previous day the teacher instructed boys and girls to find something at home that represented a family Christmas tradition. They were supposed to bring the item to school and share the item in a classroom presentation"
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Should Christians Smoke Pot Or Not? Church Leaders Divided
Should Christians Smoke Pot Or Not? Church Leaders Divided: "With the state of Colorado seeing unbelievable success in the sale of recreational marijuana, many Christians are asking the question, “should Christians smoke pot?” Joining Washington, Colorado became the second state to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana, and other states may soon follow."
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
7 Essentials of the Lord's Prayer | The Resurgence
7 Essentials of the Lord's Prayer | The Resurgence: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13) There are several important things to look at when examining The Lord's Prayer and applying it to our own prayer lives."
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Questions For Atheists
Questions For Atheists: "When it comes to religious discussions, have you noticed that it is the atheists who are usually asking the questions? Most often Christians are on the defensive and don't even think to ask hard, piercing questions that would challenge the very basis of what an atheist believes."
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Law of Man Versus Law of God - Patriot Update
Law of Man Versus Law of God - Patriot Update: "I’ve been sitting back on this issue for a long time. Now it seems I am finally finding the courage to address the topic. There are many laws and rules in life. Some laws are silly, some are serious. There once was a law in the state of Montana that declared that no one could wear a red tie. Now that is a silly law. Of course the law no longer exists. What harm does wearing a red tie cause?"
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Eight Principles of New Testament Evangelism - News - Bubblews
Eight Principles of New Testament Evangelism - News - Bubblews: "Though there are many evangelism tools and resources available today to assist us
in our ministries, there is no better resource than the Scriptures. An examination of the
approaches of Jesus and the Apostolic Church to evangelizing their world, included at
least eight principles.
They proclaimed an exclusive gospel."
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in our ministries, there is no better resource than the Scriptures. An examination of the
approaches of Jesus and the Apostolic Church to evangelizing their world, included at
least eight principles.
They proclaimed an exclusive gospel."
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Monday, January 13, 2014
Sound Off: Following teaching from the Bible is not bigotry | The News-Press |
Sound Off: Following teaching from the Bible is not bigotry | The News-Press | "Robert Kaplarczuk in his letter “Spreading Hate,” Dec. 30, announced that he is a gay male.
Who cares?
He could have made his same points without subjecting the readers to his sexuality.
So, for the record since he brought up the issue, I am a heterosexual conservative Christian who also happens to be a senior citizen who is very happy with his lifestyle"
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Who cares?
He could have made his same points without subjecting the readers to his sexuality.
So, for the record since he brought up the issue, I am a heterosexual conservative Christian who also happens to be a senior citizen who is very happy with his lifestyle"
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Sunday, January 12, 2014
Woman With Malignant Tumor Asking For Prayer - Christian Blog - Christian Blog
Woman With Malignant Tumor Asking For Prayer - Christian Blog - Christian Blog: "According to an Israeli woman, prayer changes things. When doctors told her that they would have to amputate her leg due to a tumor, she began to pray. Three appointments for surgery were made for the procedure to have Therese Daoud’s leg amputated. However for one reason or another each time the surgery was cancelled. "
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Parents Fighting After Homeschooled Kids Are Removed From Their Home - Christian Blog - Christian Blog
Parents Fighting After Homeschooled Kids Are Removed From Their Home - Christian Blog - Christian Blog: "A Christian couple in Dallas, Texas recently battled the court system for several months in an effort to home school their children. The children were removed from the home until a decision was made by authorities. The children have now been returned to their parents. "
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What If People Treated Their Bible Like Their Cell Phone?
What If People Treated Their Bible Like Their Cell Phone?: "Once again I was cleaning out my email and deleting the tons of forwards I get when one caught my attention just before I hit the delete button. I read through it several times and realized just how true it really was. The opening question queried"
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Saturday, January 11, 2014
Is there any validity to the Zeitgeist movie?
Is there any validity to the Zeitgeist movie?: "Answer: The “Zeitgeist movie,” which is available for viewing on the Web –, is essentially a baseless conspiracy theory focused on attacking the Christian faith and the government of the United States. What is interesting, though, is that while nearly all the assertions put forth in the movie are completely wrong, the end fear promoted by the movie is correct and backed by Scripture (depending on one’s view of biblical eschatology)."
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Building trust a key to evangelism
Building trust a key to evangelism: "OTTAWA - Building trust is a key to evangelizing in a post-modern society where the Christian message is no longer trusted, says Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) vice president Brett Powell."
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The global war on Christians
The global war on Christians: "The real explosion [of anti-Christian sentiment] was in the last quarter of the 20th century. The world population of Christians shot up, and the responsibility for [Christian] missionary work shifted from foreigners to local people. Instead of white Irish priests [as evangelizers], you had a generation of local Kenyans."
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The Tablet - News
The Tablet - News: "Gunmen have killed at least 33 people and torched dozens of homes in a Christian-majority village in central Nigeria.
Armed men believed to be Muslim Fulani herdsmen attacked Shonong village in Nigeria’s central Plateau State early on Monday morning. Villagers said the gunmen opened fire on residents and burnt down more than 30 homes."
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Armed men believed to be Muslim Fulani herdsmen attacked Shonong village in Nigeria’s central Plateau State early on Monday morning. Villagers said the gunmen opened fire on residents and burnt down more than 30 homes."
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Reported Cases of Christians Who Were Killed for Their Faith Doubled In 2013 | BCNN1 – Black Christian News Network
Reported Cases of Christians Who Were Killed for Their Faith Doubled In 2013 | BCNN1 – Black Christian News Network: "Reported cases of Christians killed for their faith around the world doubled in 2013 from the year before, with Syria accounting for more than the whole global total in 2012, according to an annual survey.
Open Doors, a non-denominational group supporting persecuted Christians worldwide, said on Wednesday it had documented 2,123 “martyr” killings, compared with 1,201 in 2012. There were 1,213 such deaths in Syria alone last year, it said."
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Open Doors, a non-denominational group supporting persecuted Christians worldwide, said on Wednesday it had documented 2,123 “martyr” killings, compared with 1,201 in 2012. There were 1,213 such deaths in Syria alone last year, it said."
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New Report 'Wake-Up Call' on Christian Persecution - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
New Report 'Wake-Up Call' on Christian Persecution - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - "Although you don't hear much about Christian persecution in the major media, believers around the world suffer growing threats for their faith in Jesus Christ.
According to the new World Watch List from Open Doors International, North Korea remained the world's top persecutor of Christians in 2013. It's the twelfth year the North Korean regime has held that infamous position."
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According to the new World Watch List from Open Doors International, North Korea remained the world's top persecutor of Christians in 2013. It's the twelfth year the North Korean regime has held that infamous position."
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-The 10 Worst Countries for Christians in 2013 | Christian News
-The 10 Worst Countries for Christians in 2013 | Christian News: "Open Doors USA, an organization that monitors and exposes Christian persecution around the globe, has released its “2014 World Watch List” — a report that highlights and ranks the worst nations in the world to be a Christian.
Topping the list this year are countries known for brutal government crackdowns or for the uncontrolled and murderous tactics of extremist groups within their borders.
The absolute worst places to be a Christian this year are: North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. (See list above for the 10 worst) …"
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Topping the list this year are countries known for brutal government crackdowns or for the uncontrolled and murderous tactics of extremist groups within their borders.
The absolute worst places to be a Christian this year are: North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. (See list above for the 10 worst) …"
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Were the Founding Fathers of the United States Christians?
Were the Founding Fathers of the United States Christians?: "Answer: With words like God, Lord, and Creator found in the Declaration of Independence, it is easy to assume that the founders of the United States were Christians. John Adams, the nation’s second President, said, “The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity”"
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Friday, January 10, 2014
Should Christians Read Through the Entire Bible i... | Christianity Today
Should Christians Read Through the Entire Bible i... | Christianity Today: "More than 7.5 million reading plans were completed by YouVersion users last year (25 of its 700+ are whole-Bible plans). will begin tracking completion rates for its 15 plans this year. We asked several experts whether Christians should try to read through the whole Bible in a year. We've arranged their answers below along a spectrum from the "yes" answers at the top to "no" answers at the bottom."
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Will Utah Eventually End America's Same-Sex Marriage Debate? | Gleanings |
Will Utah Eventually End America's Same-Sex Marriage Debate? | Gleanings | "Yesterday's emergency ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court not only ended a record run of nearly 1,000 marriages in Utah. The apparently unanimous decision to temporarily restore Utah's state law banning same-sex marriages suggests this case could be the legal battle both sides of the debate have been waiting for."
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Aiming for 'Effective Anger': The Top 50 Countries Where It's Hardest To Be a Christian | Gleanings |
Aiming for 'Effective Anger': The Top 50 Countries Where It's Hardest To Be a Christian | Gleanings | "Twice as many Christians were killed for their faith in 2013 as in 2012, according to the latest report on the world's top 50 violators of Christian religious freedom.
However, the 2014 World Watch List (see full list below) from Open Doors International—which notes the increased impact of "failed states" and reveals its methodology for the first time—calculates a far lower total for Christian martyrdoms than recent estimates by other groups."
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However, the 2014 World Watch List (see full list below) from Open Doors International—which notes the increased impact of "failed states" and reveals its methodology for the first time—calculates a far lower total for Christian martyrdoms than recent estimates by other groups."
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Thursday, January 9, 2014
Watchman Fellowship, Inc. - James vs. Paul: Salvation by Grace or Works?
Watchman Fellowship, Inc. - James vs. Paul: Salvation by Grace or Works?: "Is salvation by faith in Christ alone or in faith plus works?
This is one of the most important questions that must be answered when Christians witness to those in the cults.
Almost uniformly, cults teach that salvation is obtained through a combination of a person's faith plus works."
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This is one of the most important questions that must be answered when Christians witness to those in the cults.
Almost uniformly, cults teach that salvation is obtained through a combination of a person's faith plus works."
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How to begin learning the Bible
How to begin learning the Bible: "1. Pray. Tell God that you want to study the Bible. Ask Him to provide everything you need (e.g., a Bible, uninterrupted time, motivation, self-discipline, confidence, concentration). Ask Him to give you wisdom to schedule a daily time slot for Bible reading and prayer."
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King James Bible Facts and Statistics
King James Bible Facts and Statistics: "The system of chapters was introduced in A.D. 1238 by Cardinal Hugo de S. Caro, while the verse notations were added in 1551 by Robertus Stephanus, after the advent of printing."
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The Deaths of the 12 Apostles | When & How the 12 Apostles died.
The Deaths of the 12 Apostles | When & How the 12 Apostles died.: "Summary: The Bible only mentions the deaths of two apostles, James who was put to death by Herod Agrippa I in 44 AD and Judas Iscariot who committed suicide shortly after the death of Christ. The details of the deaths of three of the apostles (John, the Beloved, Bartholomew and Simon the Canaanite) are not known at all, either by tradition or early historians. The deaths of the other seven apostles are known by tradition or the writings of early Christian historians. According to traditions and the Bible, eight of the Apostles died as Martyrs. At least two of the Apostles, Peter and Andrew were crucified."
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Galileo wasn't an atheist.
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Galileo wasn't an atheist.: ""Galileo was censured by the church, and he's far from the only example. When the church would claim dominion over that which rightfully belongs to science, then atheists have every right to be angry at it for preventing human advancement. Would we have ever landed on the moon if the church had kept convincing everyone the Earth was flat?”"
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Why Evangelism Is Hard, But Necessary
Why Evangelism Is Hard, But Necessary: " have been leading a ministry called “Dare 2 Share” for the last twenty years or so. During that timeframe we’ve had the privilege of inspiring and equipping a half million teenagers to share their faith. We truly believe that, because 85% of those who trust in Jesus do so by 18 years of age, a student-led movement of teenagers reaching teenagers with the gospel can transform this nation for Christ."
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The Alabama Baptist - A Resource for Christian Living
The Alabama Baptist - A Resource for Christian Living: "I am laying aside our weekly study of the book of Acts to do something I rarely do on Sunday mornings: address the most discussed issue of this moment.
Gay "marriage" is being thrust upon us constantly by the media and in our courts. A message this week by Lee Strobel challenged pastors to equip their people to respond to the challenges to our faith. I felt impelled by the Holy Spirit to preach this sermon — not necessarily to spark debate on this issue, but to help the Christian in the pew know how to respond when this issue is raised.
Too often we Christians are known more for what we are against than who we are for. We are for people."
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Gay "marriage" is being thrust upon us constantly by the media and in our courts. A message this week by Lee Strobel challenged pastors to equip their people to respond to the challenges to our faith. I felt impelled by the Holy Spirit to preach this sermon — not necessarily to spark debate on this issue, but to help the Christian in the pew know how to respond when this issue is raised.
Too often we Christians are known more for what we are against than who we are for. We are for people."
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Top 100 Christian Movies on CFDb for 2013
Top 100 Christian Movies on CFDb for 2013: "These are the Top 100 Most Looked at Films on CFDb for the Year 2013!
The Number after the Movie Title are the Page Views according to Google Analytics."
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The Number after the Movie Title are the Page Views according to Google Analytics."
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Teacher Destroys Student’s Candy Cane Gifts and Says “Jesus Is Not Allowed In School” | Vision to America
Teacher Destroys Student’s Candy Cane Gifts and Says “Jesus Is Not Allowed In School” | Vision to America: "Right before Christmas break, a first-grade student brought in a handful of candy canes as gifts for his fellow classmates. These were no ordinary Christmas candy canes as the teacher soon realized that attached to them was a Christian message. The teacher immediately seized the candy canes, ripped the message off of them and threw the messages in the trash and handed out the, now acceptable, gifts."
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12 Signs Of Extreme Social Decay In America That Are Almost Too Horrible To Talk About - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost
12 Signs Of Extreme Social Decay In America That Are Almost Too Horrible To Talk About - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost: "Hearts in America are getting colder even faster than the weather is. Sometimes it is hard to believe how twisted and deranged many Americans have become. In order for a society to function efficiently, people need to be able to have a basic level of trust in one another. Unfortunately, we are rapidly getting to the point in America where it is becoming very difficult to trust anyone that you do not know personally. "
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Tuesday, January 7, 2014
When Apologetics Was Evangelism by J.P. Holding | THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM
When Apologetics Was Evangelism by J.P. Holding | THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM: "This is an excellent article about the challenges to doing apologetics in today’s contemporary culture. I have encountered many of the challenges that Holding mentions here:
This article first appeared in the Effective Evangelism column of the Christian Research Journal, volume 26, number 1 (2003). For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to:"
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This article first appeared in the Effective Evangelism column of the Christian Research Journal, volume 26, number 1 (2003). For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to:"
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Teacher Reportedly Seizes First-Grader’s Christmas Gift and Trashes Affixed Religious Story | Video |
Teacher Reportedly Seizes First-Grader’s Christmas Gift and Trashes Affixed Religious Story | Video | "A first-grade teacher in California told a student that “Jesus is not allowed in school” before removing a religious story the child affixed to candy canes in celebration of Christmas last month, a non-profit legal firm claims."
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Sick or well?
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Sick or well?: "When God made Adam, everything was "very good" (see Genesis 1:31). There was no disease, pain, suffering and death. These miseries came when Adam sinned. God cursed the ground and gave Adam and his offspring the death sentence. The Bible says that we "die in Adam," but we can be "made alive in Christ" (see 1 Corinthians 15:22). You are free to ignore God's command to repent and trust in the Savior, but if you do, instead of receiving mercy, you will get Justice."
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TIPPING POINT: Phil Robertson Controversy is Backfiring on PC Culture » Liberty Alliance
TIPPING POINT: Phil Robertson Controversy is Backfiring on PC Culture » Liberty Alliance: "When talking to parents about how to address behaviors in their children, we always tell them to discuss the “behaviors” not the child as a person. “Running around in the restaurant is not appropriate behavior” tells the child specifically which behavior you think isn’t acceptable."
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Monday, January 6, 2014
Seattle Gay Pride Participants Viciously Beat Christian Street Preacher (VIDEO) - Crossmap Christian News | Church & Ministries
Seattle Gay Pride Participants Viciously Beat Christian Street Preacher (VIDEO) - Crossmap Christian News | Church & Ministries: "In disturbing video footage uploaded on Youtube and reported by Seattle's KOMO news, two Christian street preachers can be seen standing on a grassy area. One of the preachers holds a sign that says "Jesus saves and heals," and "Repent or else," while the other holds a Bible."
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Utah Rep Introduces Amendment to Protect Churches From Performing Same-Sex ‘Weddings’ | Christian News Network
Utah Rep Introduces Amendment to Protect Churches From Performing Same-Sex ‘Weddings’ | Christian News Network: "SALT LAKE CITY – A lawmaker in Utah has proposed a constitutional amendment that would protect churches in the state from being forced to perform same-sex ‘weddings.’
Republican Representative Jacob Anderegg told reporters this past week that he constructed the amendment in light of increasing court rulings that interpret the equal protection clause of 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as trumping the 10th Amendment, which protects states’ rights."
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Republican Representative Jacob Anderegg told reporters this past week that he constructed the amendment in light of increasing court rulings that interpret the equal protection clause of 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as trumping the 10th Amendment, which protects states’ rights."
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Evangelism Styles | 6 Effective Approaches to Evangelism | Kevin Halloran's Blog | Christ, Culture, Books and More
Evangelism Styles | 6 Effective Approaches to Evangelism | Kevin Halloran's Blog | Christ, Culture, Books and More: "Many who respond with fear compare themselves to gifted evangelists who have a commanding knowledge of the Scriptures and the naturally ability to enter into life-changing spiritual conversations. I thank God for those people–but realize that most of us are not like that."
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Happy homosexuals.
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Happy homosexuals.: "A homosexual couple in New Zealand who were recently joined in marriage told the media that they were very happy, and that there hadn’t been any “plagues” fall on them. Silence doesn’t mean divine approval or non-existence"
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Planned Parenthood Rep: Christianity “Going Down” - Patriot Update
Planned Parenthood Rep: Christianity “Going Down” - Patriot Update: "For those of us so very blessed to have raised our personal white flag in mankind’s inherently fruitless struggle against the Creator, there can be no joy in watching God-deniers continue to labor under the grandest of all deceptions. Regardless of how nasty they may be as individuals, there can be only sadness, genuine pity and prayer."
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Sunday, January 5, 2014
Christian News: Bill Nye 'The Science Guy' Debates Evolution with Ken Ham at Creation Museum : Offbeat : Classicalite
Christian News: Bill Nye 'The Science Guy' Debates Evolution with Ken Ham at Creation Museum : Offbeat : Classicalite: "Bill Nye, well known children's science show host and Dancing with the Stars competitor, made waves in the Christian community in 2012, when he expressed his view that parents should teach their kids evolution. Now the Science Guy has decided to debate his beliefs with Creation Museum founder Ken Hamm next month at the Creation Museum in Kentucky."
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Saturday, January 4, 2014
Exposing the Global Effort behind the Homosexual Agenda - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost
Exposing the Global Effort behind the Homosexual Agenda - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost: "Over the past three years, Americans have been witnessed to vicious media assaults on any group or business that goes against the political correct position on same sex “marriage” and the homosexual agenda. Chick- Fil-A and Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson immediately come to mind; however, there have been other instances of state intervention against private businesses refusing to sell wedding cakes to same sex couples as well."
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The Intolerance of the Homosexual Agenda - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost
The Intolerance of the Homosexual Agenda - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost: "Previously, I have written about the homosexual predilection toward intolerance, hitting upon it quite tangentially, and of their disposition to distort history to validate their numbers and in an attempt to provide conformational bias of the scope of homosexuality in other cultures, especially the Greek culture. I have also written on the biological considerations of their claims that they were born that way, and of their intolerance and whining toward Christians who would balk at and make illegal any changes to the paradigm of marriage being between one man and one woman."
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Bus Drivers Punished for Praying: ‘This Was The Only Thing We Could Do to Support One Another’ | Christian News Network
Bus Drivers Punished for Praying: ‘This Was The Only Thing We Could Do to Support One Another’ | Christian News Network: "HOUSTON – Several Houston bus drivers were recently reprimanded for using their school district’s radio system to pray.
According to reports, several Houston Independent School District (HISD) bus drivers utilized a dormant channel on the district’s radio system to offer morning prayers during late December. Deborah McDonald, one of the praying bus drivers, said they decided to pray because people they knew had recently been the victims of several tragedies."
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According to reports, several Houston Independent School District (HISD) bus drivers utilized a dormant channel on the district’s radio system to offer morning prayers during late December. Deborah McDonald, one of the praying bus drivers, said they decided to pray because people they knew had recently been the victims of several tragedies."
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Honor Killing In Michigan: Iranian Sanaz Nezami Savagely Beaten By Islamic Husband, Family Watches Death Online | Freedom Outpost
Honor Killing In Michigan: Iranian Sanaz Nezami Savagely Beaten By Islamic Husband, Family Watches Death Online | Freedom Outpost: "Sanaz Nezami was a beautiful, intelligent young woman with a bright future ahead of her. She was 27-years-old and newly married to Nima Nassiri, an Islamic man from Los Angeles. This tragic story broke on January 1st. The AP whitewashed the story. USA Today’s story read “Woman’s Tragic Death Leads Nurses To Bond With Her Family Overseas."
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Friday, January 3, 2014
Got Questions - Question of the Week
Got Questions - Question of the Week: " According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” There are two Greek words which are translated “new” in the Bible. The first, neos, refers to something that has just been made, but there are already many others in existence just like it. The word translated “new” in this verse is the word kainos, which means “something just made which is unlike anything else in existence.” In Christ, we are made an entirely new creation, just as God created the heavens and the earth originally—He made them out of nothing, and so He does with us. He does not merely clean up our old selves; He makes an entirely new self. When we are in Christ, we are “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4 KJV). God Himself, in the person of His Holy Spirit, takes up residence in our hearts. We are in Christ and He is in us."
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‘Duck Dynasty” Family Looking to Dump A&E! // Mr. Conservative
‘Duck Dynasty” Family Looking to Dump A&E! // Mr. Conservative: "After being hung out to dry by network executives, Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson is thinking of dumping A&E and looking for another cable network to air his show.
(See also: Duck Dynasty Set To Come Out With Its Own Gun Line)
Robertson is reportedly quite unhappy with how network executives handled the whole situation after an interview the Duck Commander gave to GQ magazine erupted in controversy in December."
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(See also: Duck Dynasty Set To Come Out With Its Own Gun Line)
Robertson is reportedly quite unhappy with how network executives handled the whole situation after an interview the Duck Commander gave to GQ magazine erupted in controversy in December."
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: God's justice.
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: God's justice.: "If we really were deceived or deluded, then God could not hold us responsible for it.” Richard McAtheist II
He does hold every one of us responsible. This is because our ignorance is willful, and He warns that if you continue to choose ignorance, He will give you over to a “strong delusion,” and then to what the Bible calls a “reprobate” mind."
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He does hold every one of us responsible. This is because our ignorance is willful, and He warns that if you continue to choose ignorance, He will give you over to a “strong delusion,” and then to what the Bible calls a “reprobate” mind."
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Pedophilia The Next 'Sexual-Rights' Revolution? - Patriot Update
Pedophilia The Next 'Sexual-Rights' Revolution? - Patriot Update: "The underlying assumption that has led to the increasing legitimization of same-sex marriage is now fueling a growing effort in academic circles to mainstream pedophilia.
Once considered taboo, psychologists are beginning to walk down the same path LGBT activists established more than 50 years ago, insisting that pedophilia is an inborn “sexual orientation,” not a learned sexual behavior."
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Once considered taboo, psychologists are beginning to walk down the same path LGBT activists established more than 50 years ago, insisting that pedophilia is an inborn “sexual orientation,” not a learned sexual behavior."
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Christian Based Boy Scouts Alternatives Rise in Wake of BSA Cowering to Homosexual Activists - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost
Christian Based Boy Scouts Alternatives Rise in Wake of BSA Cowering to Homosexual Activists - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost: "After a proud 103 year history, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) changed their membership policy opening the ranks to boys engaging in homosexual behavior. For many concerned about this change affecting their children, a new group, based on Christian principles, began operation on January 1, 2014: Trail Life USA."
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Thursday, January 2, 2014
The Most Relevant Message of Christmas | LifeVesting
The Most Relevant Message of Christmas | LifeVesting: "It isn’t “Peace on Earth.”
It isn’t “Good will to men.”
It isn’t “Wise men still seek Him” or “Joy to the world,” true and wonderful as all those things are.
Read through the different accounts of the first Christmas, and the most common thing you will find is a variety of ordinary people like you and me coming to grips with their fears. And the message of Christmas again and again is, “You don’t have to be afraid.”
It happened to Mary:"
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It isn’t “Good will to men.”
It isn’t “Wise men still seek Him” or “Joy to the world,” true and wonderful as all those things are.
Read through the different accounts of the first Christmas, and the most common thing you will find is a variety of ordinary people like you and me coming to grips with their fears. And the message of Christmas again and again is, “You don’t have to be afraid.”
It happened to Mary:"
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How To Read the Bible, by Charles H. Spurgeon
How To Read the Bible, by Charles H. Spurgeon: "“But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him; How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests? Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? But I say unto you, that in this place is one greater than the temple. But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.”—Matthew 12:3-7."
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Biblical prophecy.
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Biblical prophecy.: "In reference to the biblical prophecy of the Jews obtaining Jerusalem, atheist, Raymond Bane, said, "Even the Jews have always lived in the land that is Israel and in Jerusalem. Incredibly unimpressive. Nostradamus was just as good. Or even your average pay per call telephone psychic."
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Boy Scouts Will Change Gay Policy for the New Year - Christian Blog - Christian Blog
Boy Scouts Will Change Gay Policy for the New Year - Christian Blog - Christian Blog: "Homosεxual boys will begin serving in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) effective January 1, 2014. Earlier this year, 60 percent of the scout national council agreed that the BSA’s policy needed to be updated. Currently the BSA prohibits, “open or avowed homosεxuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA.”"
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Happy 2014!
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Happy 2014!: "Paul Macock: “You can't prove Jesus even existed and so your biblical verses are null and void.”
My question: “Paul, what year is it?”
Paul Macock: “2013.”
My question: “2013 since Whom?”
Paul Macock: “And even if Jesus did exist (which I myself think he probably did), it doesn't mean he was the son (himself) of the creator of the whole universe.”"
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My question: “Paul, what year is it?”
Paul Macock: “2013.”
My question: “2013 since Whom?”
Paul Macock: “And even if Jesus did exist (which I myself think he probably did), it doesn't mean he was the son (himself) of the creator of the whole universe.”"
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Sotomayor issues temporary injunction against HHS contraception mandate - Patriot Update
Sotomayor issues temporary injunction against HHS contraception mandate - Patriot Update: "It’s not much of an injunction, but it’s enough to put a stop to its enforcement for a couple of days, at least. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a Barack Obama appointee to the high court, issued the order just hours before the mandate would have gone into effect (via Frank Weathers at Patheos):"
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Sex in heaven, will there be?
Sex in heaven, will there be?: "You may have thought about this, you may not have. Hopefully this will give you something to think about."
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Muslims Kill Dozens of Christians On Christmas Day & White House Remains Silent
Muslims Kill Dozens of Christians On Christmas Day & White House Remains Silent: "Anytime anything happens to Muslims, especially at the hands of Americans, our so-called Christian President Barack Hussein Obama is quick to condemn the actions. He’ll issue public apologies to Muslims worldwide and demand that the Americans responsible be punished to the fullest extent possible."
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California 2014 Laws Affect Transgenders, Smokers, Drunk Drivers
California 2014 Laws Affect Transgenders, Smokers, Drunk Drivers: "As 2014 is just a day away, new laws have been crafted for Californians to adhere to. Here are just a few blessed laws and regulations that will come into effect in 2014:"
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