Wednesday, December 4, 2013

'Who Couldn't Believe There's a God?' — — Readability

'Who Couldn't Believe There's a God?' — — Readability: "Actors (L-R) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and Tyrese Gibson pose at the world premiere of "Fast Five" at the Cinepolis Lagoon theatre in Rio de Janeiro April 15, 2011. The movie, the fifth in the Fast and Furious film series, opens in theaters on April 29."

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Back to Times Square with Another Powerful Billboard! | Around the World with Ken Ham

Back to Times Square with Another Powerful Billboard! | Around the World with Ken Ham: "In today’s main article on our website, I write about the spectacular new video billboard we have just placed in Times Square in New York City earlier this morning. This animated video—wonderfully produced for us by our advertising agency JDA—has a Christmas theme and it follows the large board we placed in Times Square in October. (We had similar billboard messages in San Francisco and Los Angeles in October and early November). It’s a part of our ongoing campaign to reach out to atheists and agnostics with the gospel."

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Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25 — — Readability

Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25 — — Readability: "Is it even possible that December 25 could be the day of Christ's birth?"

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

▶ [Official Video] Little Drummer Boy - Pentatonix - YouTube

▶ [Official Video] Little Drummer Boy - Pentatonix - YouTube: ""

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Supreme Court deals death blow to Christian university's Obamacare challenge - National Conservative |

Supreme Court deals death blow to Christian university's Obamacare challenge - National Conservative | "The U.S. Supreme Court has dealt a death blow today to a lawsuit launched by a major Christian university challenging the legality of several of the provisions of the new Obamacare law. The Court refused to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling that threw the lawsuit out of court."

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Homosexual Groups Whine about Methodist Church Doctrine against Marriage Perversion : Freedom Outpost

Homosexual Groups Whine about Methodist Church Doctrine against Marriage Perversion : Freedom Outpost: "On occasion, I will seek out and read leftist websites and blogs. I find it educational. It's a good gauge of the mood and mind of the left. Invariably, as one would expect, whatever they are railing against, we are for and vice versa. Try it. It's sometimes entertaining to see what upsets the radical left. Be careful though, it can also raise your blood pressure."

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Legitimizing Polyamory Is The Next Battle In the War On Traditional Marriage

Legitimizing Polyamory Is The Next Battle In the War On Traditional Marriage: "Legalizing homosexual "marriage" was the gateway drug to the annihilation of traditional marriage. Since it was successful, the time has come for the turf war to expand to other deviant "relationships." Polyamory is the next on the list. Polyamory is defined as an open marriage, with people "bedding down with multiple partners."

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Top Scientist: Humans Emerged After Chimpanzee Had Sex With Pig |

Look at the extremes that non believers will go to, to deny the existence of God.  No one can really believe this is real.

Top Scientist: Humans Emerged After Chimpanzee Had Sex With Pig | "One of the world’s leading authorities on genetics says the human race was born into existence after a chimpanzee mated with a pig.

Dr. Eugene McCarthy’s stunning claims were made in an online article, although it was not clear when the startling findings was initially published."

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What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?

What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?: "There are several important differences between Catholics and Protestants. While there have been some attempts over the last several years to find common ground between the two groups, the fact is that the differences remain, and they are just as important today as they were at the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. The following is brief summary of some of the more important differences:"

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What is Coptic Christianity, and what do Coptic Christians believe?

What is Coptic Christianity, and what do Coptic Christians believe?: "nswer: “Coptic” means “Egyptian,” and Christians living in Egypt identify themselves as Coptic Christians. As a denomination they originated in the city of Alexandria, one of the most faithful, respected, and fruitful cities during the Apostolic Period. Proudly, the Coptic Christians acknowledge and herald John Mark, (author of the Gospel of Mark), as their founder and first bishop sometime between A.D. 42 - A.D. 62. The Coptic Church was actually involved in the very first major split in the Church, well before there was such a thing as "Roman" Catholicism, and it was also well before the East/West split."

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