Wednesday, October 27, 2010

YouTube - A Lesson From The Moment of Truth

YouTube - A Lesson From The Moment of Truth

The Time Has Come to Rescue the Republic |

The Time Has Come to Rescue the Republic

"he close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787
a lady reputed to be a Mrs. Powell was anxiously waiting for the results of the
Convention. When Benjamin Franklin emerged she asked, “Well Doctor, what
have we got, a republic or a monarchy? “ Franklin replied, “A republic if you
can keep it.”"

Ex-Muslim: Proposal that Islam is Tolerant is Fallacious, Dangerous |

Ex-Muslim: Proposal that Islam is Tolerant is Fallacious, Dangerous +

"Well-known activist and author Ayaan Hirsi Ali made the argument Monday at the
National Press Club as security guards stood in the back of the ballroom. An outspoken
critic of Islam, Hirsi Ali has been living under a fatwa, a religious ruling or in this case
an order to kill, for years."

Harvest Daily Devotion for 10/27/2010: "Ready to Answer"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 10/27/2010:
"Ready to Answer"