Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Harvest Daily Devotion for 2/15/2011: "The Measure of a Life"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 2/15/2011: "The Measure of a Life": "It seems that everyone wants to know how to prolong their lives. But here is what we need to realize: God has an appointed day for our birth as well as for our death. Job, speaking to God, said, 'You have decided the length of our lives."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stone the Preacher

Stone the Preacher: "Fox Sports has called a Super Bowl TV commercial with the Bible verse John 3:16 “too religious” and declined to run it. There was even more surprise when it did air with no explanation or announcement from the network."

On The Box: How to Prosper, Biblically

On The Box: How to Prosper, Biblically: "I’m not a fan of the prosperity message. For many years I have watched slick preachers, who rarely preach about sin, righteousness and judgment, and only exalt the cross as a means of gain, and it irks me. If planting “seeds” in bank accounts never fails to bring prosperity to the sower, how come I always have to plant seed in their soil? However, underneath the preaching of prosperity, there is a legitimate biblical principle of sowing and reaping."

Convert Text from Images into Editable Text Files the Easy Way

Convert Text from Images into Editable Text Files the Easy Way: "Most scanners come with software that converts scanned images containing text into editable text files. However, many of us have started using our cell phone cameras to take pictures of documents—most of our phones, however, do not have OCR (Optical Character Recogition) built in."

Harvest Daily Devotion for 2/14/2011: "Because We're Drowning"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 2/14/2011: "Because We're Drowning": "A number of years ago, I was at the beach with my son, Jonathan, who was quite young at the time. I was helping him catch waves and, as it turned out, a little riptide got hold of me. Suddenly I was no longer able to touch bottom. I realized I was getting pulled by this little riptide, and the frustrating thing was that I was so close to the shore."

From the Lighthouse Newsletter - February 14, 2011

From the Lighthouse Newsletter - February 14, 2011

From the Lighthouse Newsletter - February 14, 2011

From the Lighthouse Newsletter - February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Despite Us, God Works - Desiring God

Despite Us, God Works - Desiring God: "If it had been one year earlier I would have been at Daytona Beach to join in the partying. As it was, God had intervened mercifully in my life before going to college, and I was there for a beach evangelism project. Christians sure know how to almost have fun."

The Ministry of Reminding—Myself - Desiring God

The Ministry of Reminding—Myself - Desiring God: "The main reminder is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). But don’t be passive. You are responsible only for your own ministry of reminding. And the first one in need of reminding by you is you."

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog: "'I've heard and read of babies and toddlers who died. Had they broken the ten commandments? I had a dog who died."