Thursday, June 2, 2011

YouTube - On The Box Episode #105

YouTube - On The Box Episode #105: ""

Harvest Daily Devotion for 6/2/2011: "When God Predicts the Future"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 6/2/2011: "When God Predicts the Future": "When Jesus spoke of the signs of the times, He painted a picture of a world torn by strife and war, a world rocked by great earthquakes and ravaged by pestilences, and famine in the midst of plenty."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stone the Preacher

Stone the Preacher: "Can you believe it? Another month has passed by. How did you do on your evangelistic commitment? Post your totals for the month below in the comments. If you’d like to join the Club, click here for the details."

Oh, and One More Thing…

Oh, and One More Thing…: "The following is adapted from comments I originally posted in other forums, but since what I have to say below is germane to the large subject under discussion, I've distilled it here and am posting it so that it will be permanently attached to this thread. Like my remarks in the immediately preceding post, this one answers several e-mails that have been sent to me directly, and a few posts that have appeared other forums:"

Proof That God Exists

Proof That God Exists

On The Box

On The Box: "Recently I posted an article in which I shared a letter I had written to a pastor. The letter was written in response to a conversation I had with a member of the church, regarding the church's efforts at a local 'Relay for Life' event. When I asked the church member what the church was doing to get the gospel to the people in attendance, I was told that the church was not there to proselytize"

YouTube - On The Box Episode #104

YouTube - On The Box Episode #104: ""

Harvest Daily Devotion for 6/1/2011: "Watch the Signs"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 6/1/2011: "Watch the Signs": "The phrase 'signs of the times' actually was coined by Jesus. One day, the Pharisees and Sadducees approached Jesus together, which was quite remarkable, because these two groups didn't get along. They didn't mix."

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The National Debt Isn’t That Big

The National Debt Isn’t That Big: "According to the recent news, America is so in debt that the amount we owe would be enough to buy every American worker three years of paid vacation.

I’m not worried about our nation’s debt. Politicians got us into it, and they can worry about getting us out. I am more worried about two other, more important debt problems. These are much deeper than the mere national debt. I have a huge debt to this world, and this world has a massive debt to the moral Law."

How should I choose a Bible version? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

How should I choose a Bible version? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry: "Before the year 1881, you had three choices for an English Bible translation: the KJV, the KJV, or the KJV. Obviously, this is no longer the case. How did the King James Version get dethroned? Which translation is best today? Are any of the modern translations faithful to the original?"