Saturday, June 18, 2011

What If They Say They Already Tried Christianity? « StreetApologetics

What If They Say They Already Tried Christianity? « StreetApologetics: "Often times we will have atheists or agnostics approach us during an open-air, insisting that they once were on fire Christians for God but now they have a message to share…God is just imaginary. More times than not this anger they have is rooted in some hypocrites they encountered along the way in church. Two things are worth mentioning here."


StreetApologetics: "Q: Is repentance and trusting in Christ two separate stages?
In short, the answer is no. With that said, let’s see about fleshing this out to get a better idea of what is going on.

There is a very tight relationship, which repentance and faith enjoy together. They could be thought of as two facets or sides of one singular action. Repentance and faith are inseparable in such a way that you cannot have one without the other."

Is Abortion Wrong? « StreetApologetics

Is Abortion Wrong? « StreetApologetics: "As many of you know, the LW team has been working on a documentary involving Hitler, interviews with Neo-Nazis, the holocaust and so much more; but I can’t reveal the specifics just yet. You simply would not believe how many people there are amongst us that have no clue who Hitler is! Even with help and prompting the following words “Uh, is he an actor” have come straight from the mouth of one of our most recent interviews on a college campus."

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Good Question

A Good Question: "Do you think your principle ['if you merely participate in a gambling contest with a desire to win, you are guilty of coveting that which belongs to your neighbor'] applies exclusively to gambling, or does it apply to any and all forms of competitive activity? For example, if I enter a boxing match, or any other competitive activity, I am entering it to win. Does this mean that I am guilty of violating the tenth commandment by coveting my opponents title, belt, or even reputation? It seems to me that it does, but I'm not sure."

On The Box: The A-Z of Evangelism

On The Box: The A-Z of Evangelism: "Awake & Alert

Brave and Bold

Confident, Calm, & Cool

Don’t be Doubtful & Don’t Dabble with the Devil’s Deception

Exceed Expectations with Extreme Excellence in Everything

Firm yet Friendly"

When to Stop Teaching Evangelism Classes « Stone the Preacher

When to Stop Teaching Evangelism Classes « Stone the Preacher: "We’ve been teaching Way of the Master classes for almost 5 years at our church and sometimes in our home, too. The last class we taught at church only had 4 people."

Doulos Iesou Christou: Observation, The Analogy of the Faith, and a Glass of Wine (Part 1)

Doulos Iesou Christou: Observation, The Analogy of the Faith, and a Glass of Wine (Part 1): "How can we endorse something that impairs your judgment to know when to stop, knowing that if we fail to stop it also leads to great ruin?"

YouTube - On The Box Episode #115

YouTube - On The Box Episode #115: ""

Harvest Daily Devotion for 6/17/2011: "The Mountaintops of Life"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 6/17/2011: "The Mountaintops of Life": "Have you ever had one of those special moments in God's presence? Maybe it was during a devotional time when you prayed and asked God to speak to you as you opened His Word and committed your day to Him."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bible Prophecy News Politics Current Events Christian Intelligence - The Omega Letter

Bible Prophecy News Politics Current Events Christian Intelligence - The Omega Letter: "The 2005 Renovare Bible was a groundbreaking moment in Christianity-- the first Bible in history to instruct its readers not to believe its contents. Renovare’s intro to Genesis defines it as a collection of family stories, continually embellished over time, that gradually took on theological meaning. Translation? Mythology."