Thursday, February 9, 2012

On The Box: An Honest Atheist

On The Box: An Honest Atheist: "Sergio is an honest atheist. He, unlike so many atheists, willingly admits to why he doesn't believe in the existence of God. He doesn't want anyone telling him what to do. While most atheists will hide behind the smoke screen of secular humanism, naturalism, or intellectualism there are those like Sergio who will not shy away from the heart of the matter, which is the matter of the heart."

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Hymn Center Hymn Center: "Welcome to the largest Christian lyrics site on the internet! We have thousands of lyrics to hymns, worship songs, praise choruses and more. We will be adding music files to our lyrics in the near future, as well as having more hymn contests and prizes. This site was created in 2006 and currently serves about 1 million visitors each year. Please use the links below to begin your search. Good luck hymn searching!"

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On The Box: UCLA Student Explodes

On The Box: UCLA Student Explodes: "Sadly, Clarence is an example of a young man who grew up in the church as the son of a pastor--a young man who may have heard the gospel his entire life, but (if his behavior in the video is any indication) has never come to genuine repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."

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Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: It Takes Two

Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: It Takes Two: "It’s important to understand that temptation isn’t sin. If your eyes fall upon a woman and in a split second you are tempted to lust but turn away, you haven‘t sinned."

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Make no Provisions

Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Make no Provisions: "Like David, sinners are idolaters. The only image of God to which they bow, is the one of their own making, and that congenial god isn’t to be feared."

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On The Box: Perspective Regarding Persecution

On The Box: Perspective Regarding Persecution: "The above video is comprised of clips from a much longer open-air. The location: the southwest corner of Meridian Street and Washington Street, in downtown Indianapolis, IN. The date: Saturday, February 4, 2012. The occasion: the Super Bowl Outreach, for Super Bowl XLVI."

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On The Box: Six Objections to and Misconceptions about 'The Way of the Master' (Part 6)

On The Box: Six Objections to and Misconceptions about 'The Way of the Master' (Part 6): "Objection #6 is an example of the logical fallacy known as the "Straw-Man Argument." According to Dr. Jason Lisle, with Answers in Genesis, "The straw-man fallacy is when a person misrepresents his opponent’s position and then proceeds to refute that misrepresentation.""

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Monday, February 6, 2012

On The Box: Review of the Waterproof Bible

On The Box: Review of the Waterproof Bible: "The following review is the opinion of Tony Miano and does not necessarily reflect the views of Living Waters. Tony's review should not be seen as an endorsement of this product, by Living Waters."

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Project Heart Changer -

Project Heart Changer - "The purpose of “180 Day” is to keep the momentum of “180” moving forward and building, through consistent, monthly days of “180”-related online and real world activities. In so doing, we will continue the work of saving the physical lives of unborn children, and seeking to see the lost come to genuine repentance and faith in Jesus Christ."

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Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Do Not Lust After her Beauty

Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Do Not Lust After her Beauty: "When addressing the subject of lust in Proverbs 6:20, the Bible speaks of “the law of your mother.” This is a direct reference to the moral Law of God (the Ten Commandments)."

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