Paul’s Importance in Early Christianity? « Christianity in Antiquity (CIA): The Bart Ehrman Blog: "’d like to say a bit more about Paul in relationship to the beginning of Christianity. Yesterday I argued that Paul could not have invented the idea of the resurrection. I should point out that Paul himself – who was always proud of the “revelation” of the truth given to him and his part in disseminating it (see Galatians 1-2) – admits in 1 Cor. 15:3-5 that he “received” from others the view that Christ died for sins and rose from the dead, before appearing “first” to Cephas and then others."
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Thursday, May 1, 2014
Why Jesus Died So Quickly on the Cross | Cold Case Christianity
Why Jesus Died So Quickly on the Cross | Cold Case Christianity: "Of the many non-Christian explanations for the Resurrection, the “Swoon Theory” is amongst the most popular. If Jesus didn’t really die on the cross, His alleged “resurrection” is really nothing more than a remarkable “resuscitation”. "
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Noah for the world!
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Noah for the world!: "Noah is available with subtitles in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Estonian, Finnish, Latvian, Norwegian, Albanian, Danish... and MANY more coming soon!"
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Tennessee Imam Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi: “Jews and Christians are Filthy” : Freedom Outpost
Tennessee Imam Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi: “Jews and Christians are Filthy” : Freedom Outpost: "Memphis imam Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute, is back in the news this week for a controversial video that he has made saying that Jews and Christians are filthy and that their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims."
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
3 Ways Every Christian Can Minister to a Non-Believer - Christian Blog - Christian Blog
3 Ways Every Christian Can Minister to a Non-Believer - Christian Blog - Christian Blog: "Christ left His followers with one key message: To go to all nations and make disciples — baptizing them in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Approaching non-believers and making an appeal to them comes with a number of challenges. Some can be very hostile, indifferent, and difficult to convince. In order to effectively minister to a non-believer, one has to adequately strategize."
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Teacher Confiscates Bible from 2nd grader » Eagle Rising
Teacher Confiscates Bible from 2nd grader » Eagle Rising: "When is “read what you want” time not actually read what you want? When you are in a public school and what you want to read is the Bible. The parents of a 2nd grader at Hamilton Elementary School in Cypress, Texas say that when their daughter began reading her Bible during free reading time… her teacher confiscated her Bible."
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ON CHRISTIANITY | NWAonline: "DEAR REV. GRAHAM: Where is God? My Christian friend says He is somewhere up in heaven, but my yoga instructor says Goddwells in every one of us, and we just need to look within to connect with The Divine (which is what she calls God). Who’s right?"
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BGEA Chaplains Responding After Deadly Tornadoes | Story | BGEA
BGEA Chaplains Responding After Deadly Tornadoes | Story | BGEA: "In response to an outbreak of tornadoes over the past few days, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team is deploying to some of the hardest hit areas, with teams responding in Arkansas, Mississippi and Kansas.
“Lives have been turned upside down,” said Jack Munday, director of the BGEA Rapid Response Team. “They’re in shock and that impales people in all areas of their life—physically, emotionally and spiritually.”"
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“Lives have been turned upside down,” said Jack Munday, director of the BGEA Rapid Response Team. “They’re in shock and that impales people in all areas of their life—physically, emotionally and spiritually.”"
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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Fools insist...
The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Fools insist...: "“Does it grieve you, my friends, that the name of God is being taken in vain and desecrated? Does it grieve you that we are living in a godless age? ...But, we are living in such an age and the main reason we should be praying about revival is that we are anxious to see God's name vindicated and His glory manifested. We should be anxious to see something happening that will arrest the nations, all the peoples, and cause them to stop and to think again.” - Martyn Lloyd-Jones"
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Monday, April 28, 2014
The Self-Neutralized Church and the Rise of Adolf Hitler » Eagle Rising
The Self-Neutralized Church and the Rise of Adolf Hitler » Eagle Rising: "What will happen if secularists get their way in our society? A very small minority of homosexual advocates have designs on every facet of society and they have the courts and the media at their beck and call. They're not after tolerance; they're after control. No area of life is off limits."
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