Monday, May 26, 2014

Prayer is woven into the fabric of America |

Prayer is woven into the fabric of America | "Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of local government officials to begin meetings with a prayer. The decision recognizes prayer is woven into the fabric of the United States of America. The ruling is not an endorsement of Christianity. Instead, it refutes that government or citizens have power to supervise and censor religious speech. That’s a victory for Americans of all faiths."

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Thousands of toddlers are being drugged because they act like toddlers

Thousands of toddlers are being drugged because they act like toddlers: "According to a new report from the CDC, thousands of toddlers are being prescribed ‘medication’ for ADHD.

Two and three years old."

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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: "Why do bad things happen to good people?": "According to the Bible, there are no good people. Not even one. So the real question is, who do good things happen to bad people? Why does God send the rain on the just and the unjust? Why does He let blasphemers live? The answer is that He is kind, good, rich in mercy, waiting for each to repent and trust the Savior."

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: "Why didn’t Jesus’ miracles in the Bible leave behind any evidence?"

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: "Why didn’t Jesus’ miracles in the Bible leave behind any evidence?": "When He walked on water, there were no footprints of which to speak. When He rose from the dead, no body was left in the tomb, and when He multiplied the loaves and fish, it was all presumably consumed.  "

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Billy Graham’s Answers on Heaven | Story | BGEA

Billy Graham’s Answers on Heaven | Story | BGEA: "The only way we could know for sure that heaven exists would be for someone to die and go there—and then come back to life and tell us about it. And that’s exactly what Jesus did…READ MORE"

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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: "Why are there so many starving people?"

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: "Why are there so many starving people?": "Why do you assume that God wants to lift wages, or that He ignores starving children? The truth is that you don't know the mind of God. No one does. We do however, know His will, revealed in His Word. What you do know is that He commands you to repent and trust in the Savior. "

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Beijing Denies Anti-Christianity Claims : World :

Beijing Denies Anti-Christianity Claims : World : "China denies allegations that recent occurances of church demolitions are government efforts to eliminate Christianity in the country, The Telegraph reports.

This is the first time that Beijing has given a statement on this matter."

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On Christianity | NWAonline

On Christianity | NWAonline: "DEAR REV. GRAHAM: We were with our daughter and her family over Easter, and she got very upset at us because we made some pointed comments about the way she lets her children run wild (which we certainly never let her do). Maybe we should've been more tactful, but don't we have a responsibility as grandparents to say something?"

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John Wesley: Biography and Role in Christian History

John Wesley: Biography and Role in Christian History: "Who was John Wesley?  Why should we care to know about this man?  His role in the history of Christianity must be told."

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hollywood Star Sean Astin Calls Out Liberal Atheist » Eagle Rising

Hollywood Star Sean Astin Calls Out Liberal Atheist » Eagle Rising: "Sean Astin is a bona fide Hollywood star.

He has played beloved characters in the Goonies, Rudy, and most recently in the Lord of the Rings trilogy."

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