Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: The Law of Moses.

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: The Law of Moses.: "Charles Spurgeon said, “With every commandment—the bare letter is nothing, compared with the whole stupendous meaning and severe strictness of the rule. The commandments, if I may so speak, are like the stars. When seen with the naked eye, they appear to be brilliant points; if we could draw near to them, we should see them to be infinite worlds, greater than even our sun, stupendous though it is. So is it with the law of God."

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Like the Professor.

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Like the Professor.: "I believe that God created the oceans and all the sea creatures that are in them: “So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind…” (Genesis 1:21)."

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Friday, July 4, 2014

The 8 silliest myths about Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today

The 8 silliest myths about Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today: "You're minding your own business on the internet, and all of a sudden a fire-breathing militant atheist starts bombing you with weird ideas on Twitter. Strange when these people usually claim 'facts and evidence' as their mantra, some of their beliefs have no basis in reality and have been debunked by experts. Yet, still they persist. Here is a collection of some of the daftest myths about Christianity. There were a lot to choose from."

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Abbey Roads: How can Christian Leaders insist that Islam and Christianity share a common heritage?

Abbey Roads: How can Christian Leaders insist that Islam and Christianity share a common heritage?: "Meanwhile, back in the real world, Christians are being butchered by the hundreds and thousands by their “partners in faith.” As Islamic terrorism spreads across the globe, Church leaders might want to reconsider the common-ground-with-Islam policy that has been in place since Vatican II. It’s one thing to affirm the common humanity shared by Christians and Muslims; it’s another thing altogether to assert that they share a common belief system—as in “Living Our Faith Together.” - Read the entire article here."

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Franklin Graham: Praying for the Next Great Awakening | Story | BGEA

Franklin Graham: Praying for the Next Great Awakening | Story | BGEA: "While doomsday appears to be knocking at our door, let me take you back to the early 1800s. Many think of it as “the good old days,” but history tells us that society, even then, was as bad as it could get at that time. John Marshall, chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, wrote to President James Madison and said, “The church is too far gone ever to be redeemed.” When we examine why, we find that preachers had stopped preaching the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the people were not hearing God’s Word."

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The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Ten Cannons of God's Law

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Ten Cannons of God's Law: "Those of you who have read the book “Out of the Comfort Zone” will know that back in 1982 I discovered what is now called “Hell’s Best Kept Secret,” and how I had a strong conviction that God was going to move myself and my family from New Zealand to the United States."

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Scientists in Israel

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Scientists in Israel: "Scientists in Israel have made news because they say that the Bible is wrong. It says that camels were domesticated somewhere between 2000 and 1500 BC. They believe that they weren’t domesticated in Israel until centuries later, more like 900 BC. But they are wrong. Camels were domesticated 1,000 years earlier. We know this because we have a historically reliable record: "

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“I strongly hoped [Christianity] was not [true].” | C.S. Lewis Blog

“I strongly hoped [Christianity] was not [true].” | C.S. Lewis Blog: "My own position at the threshold of Xtianity was exactly the opposite of yours,” Lewis writes in a 1950 letter. “You wish it were true: I strongly hoped it was not.” If Christianity is true, Lewis knew it would demand a change in him; he knew what Psalms 139 says:"

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The Summit Lecture Series | JP Moreland | Loving God With All Your Mind

The Summit Lecture Series | JP Moreland | Loving God With All Your Mind:

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Why Christian Literature is on the Rise | INSIGHTS

Why Christian Literature is on the Rise | INSIGHTS: "Christians have always been a bit defensive. From the first there was the whole explanation-thing, “Well, we are believers in the one God, and in His Son too, and yeah, he was crucified but…” No matter how you put it Christianity always sounded more like fiction than fiction. But the fruit of faith and the grace of God continued to witness the truth down through centuries. "

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