Thursday, April 7, 2011

Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!

Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!: "As much as we’d like to abolish slavery in practice, and even from our memories, the Bible demands that we remember. Slavery has everything to do with our relationship to Christ. We are His slaves, and our slavery to Him is the guarantee of our eternal security."

On The Box

On The Box: "n short, the answer is no. With that said, let’s see about fleshing this out to get a better idea of what is going on.

There is a very tight relationship, which repentance and faith enjoy together."

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog: "'I was actually in this earthquake...I live in Tokyo and it was the scariest thing that I have ever been in. I was in Kitasenju teaching English when it struck and after the initial shock we all ventured outside."

Harvest Daily Devotion for 4/7/2011: "No Longer on the Outside"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 4/7/2011: "No Longer on the Outside": "If I could have been present at certain moments in history, one event I would like to have seen was the veil of the temple being torn in two."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

YouTube - JohnTheBaptistTV's Channel

YouTube - JohnTheBaptistTV's Channel

On The Box: Advantage: Christian

On The Box: Advantage: Christian: "For the Christian born physically blind, the first person they will every see is the risen Lord Jesus Christ as He welcomes them into His joy and kingdom. For the unbeliever who has 20/20 vision, but spends a lifetime in spiritual blindness they, too, will see the risen Lord Jesus Christ as they face His holy wrath and eternal judgment."

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog: "I have a lot of ideas. Some are good, and some are a little strange. Take for instance a strange idea I had for years. I noticed that car dealerships strive to get our attention with balloons flying above their car yards. I imagined driving along the freeway and seeing an arrow in the sky, with no visible means of support, pointing down at dealerships. Now that would get attention."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Saudi Arabia: Christian Man Jailed, Faces Death Penalty For Sharing His Faith With Muslims…

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Saudi Arabia: Christian Man Jailed, Faces Death Penalty For Sharing His Faith With Muslims…: "An Eritrean Christian is facing the death penalty in Saudi Arabia after being arrested for sharing his faith with Muslims."

Harvest Daily Devotion for 4/6/2011: "What the Resurrection Means to Us"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 4/6/2011: "What the Resurrection Means to Us": "First, it assures our future resurrection. Because Jesus both died and rose again, we will be raised like Him. 1 Corinthians 15:20 says, 'But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.' The word 'firstfruits' speaks of a sampling, a foretaste, a glimpse. Jesus is the firstfruit."

The Winnable War - A New Beginning with Greg Laurie

The Winnable War - A New Beginning with Greg Laurie: "The day you make a commitment to Jesus Christ, a very real spiritual war begins in your life. Conversion makes our hearts a battlefield.
The Bible often uses the picture of military battle, fighting, and warfare to describe the Christian life. Paul exhorted Timothy, “Endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3 nkjv). He also wrote that he had “fought the good fight” (2 Timothy 4:7 nkjv)"