Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Will everyone (eventually) make it to heaven? Jesus didn’t think so.

Will everyone (eventually) make it to heaven? Jesus didn’t think so.: "Rob’s book constantly casts doubt on the notion that there is a hell that will be full of people suffering for eternity. Others have cast doubt on that by speaking of anihilationtsm, where people’s suffering is not eternal, but the consequences are. With that view the unsaved pass out of existence at some point in the future."

Piper on the Pastor as Prophet (Free Course) – Justin Taylor

Piper on the Pastor as Prophet (Free Course) – Justin Taylor: "Piper on the Pastor as Prophet (Free Course)"

How Should Christians Think about the Death of Osama bin Laden? – Justin Taylor

How Should Christians Think about the Death of Osama bin Laden? – Justin Taylor: "Doubtless there will be much commentary in days ahead about the appropriate Christian response to the death of Osama bin Laden."

On The Box 05/03/11 11:58AM, On The Box 05/03/11 11:58AM LivingWatersLive on USTREAM. Christian

On The Box 05/03/11 11:58AM,
On The Box 05/03/11 11:58AM
LivingWatersLive on USTREAM. Christian

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

YouTube - A Call to Anguish - David Wilkerson

YouTube - A Call to Anguish - David Wilkerson: ""

Studies in Johns Letters

Studies in Johns Letters

This Week on TV

This Week on TV: "Becoming a Christian doesn’t mean that you won’t have problems. It does mean, however, that you have an asset when these difficult times come. In this powerful message, Dr. Stanley highlights eight ways to solve your problems through prayer."

Harvest Bible Chapel | Dr. James MacDonald | This Week's Message

Harvest Bible Chapel | Dr. James MacDonald | This Week's Message

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/3/2011: "How to Clear Your Conscience"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/3/2011: "How to Clear Your Conscience": "Imagine for a moment there is a bad smell in your house. As you wander around trying to find the source of it, it gets stronger and stronger."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Enemies of the Cross and How to Respond to Them - Desiring God

Enemies of the Cross and How to Respond to Them - Desiring God: "CAIRO – In a tape that surfaced Sunday, Osama bin Laden’s deputy urged all Muslims to take up arms, saying a refusal to join the fight against “the Cross and Zionism” was a “malignant illness” that would lead to the defeat of militant Islam. Egyptian-born Ayman Al-Zawahri said the global Islamic community had “no hope for victory” until all Muslims signed on to the Al-Qaida-led jihad."