Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Harvest Bible Chapel | Dr. James MacDonald | This Week's Message

Harvest Bible Chapel | Dr. James MacDonald | This Week's Message

Doulos Iesou Christou: The Encouragement of a Discarded Tract

Doulos Iesou Christou: The Encouragement of a Discarded Tract: "I spent Friday and Saturday evenings with my cross at the corner of Soledad Canyon Road and Sierra Highway, in Canyon Country (CA). Mahria and Amanda joined me on Friday evening, and Marissa joined me on Saturday evening. This particular intersection is fast-becoming one of my favorite local fishing ponds."

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Thanks for Your Thoughts

Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Thanks for Your Thoughts: "Thank you for your concern. I am the one who has been monitoring the comments, and have deleted the bad ones. Those I have been letting through were pretty tame."

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/31/2011: "Signs of the Times"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/31/2011: "Signs of the Times": "Signs affect us in what we do. When you are driving and see one of those red signs that reads 'Stop,' you stop. For some, however, that sign simply means, 'Slow down a little."

Monday, May 30, 2011

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/30/2011: "One Simple Truth"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/30/2011: "One Simple Truth": "A number of years ago, I was a guest on a talk radio program, where a professor was debating me on the topic of Christ's return. I said that I believed Jesus Christ is coming back, while he said that we have been hearing this forever. So as we were talking I said, 'Sir, I suggest that you are a fulfillment of Bible prophecy yourself. The very attitude you are taking is one of the signs of the times.'"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Harvest Weekend Devotion for 5/28/2011: "Jesus Is Coming! Are You Ready?"

Harvest Weekend Devotion for 5/28/2011: "Jesus Is Coming! Are You Ready?": "As a student and teacher of Bible prophecy for 35 years, it is my belief that the next event on the prophetic calendar will be the Rapture of the church, as I mentioned last week."

Friday, May 27, 2011

YouTube - On The Box Episode #102

YouTube - On The Box Episode #102: ""

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/27/2011: "Pray with Persistence"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 5/27/2011: "Pray with Persistence": "Sometimes people will say, 'I am just not worthy to approach God.' I hate to break this news, but we never were worthy. We are not worthy. And we never will be worthy. So let's get over that. It is not about worthiness; it is about the grace of God."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

YouTube - On The Box Episode #101

YouTube - On The Box Episode #101: ""

Is homosexuality a sin?

Is homosexuality a sin?: "As we continue looking at the top 20 most frequently asked questions on GotQuestions.org, #2 is another one that I wish I could avoid. There is probably no other topic that produces such angry and hateful replies as homosexuality. Saying that homosexuality is a sin is probably the ultimate taboo in current society, at least in Europe and the USA"