Friday, July 15, 2011

The Key to a Happy Marriage

The Key to a Happy Marriage: "When Cathe and I were married in 1974, we wanted our marriage to not just survive; we wanted it to be blessed. We wanted it to flourish. One of the reasons I wanted a strong marriage so badly was because I knew the impact of divorce on a young child, having experienced it myself."

Thursday, July 14, 2011

On The Box

On The Box: "If you listen to most modern preachers, they will tell you how God can help you. He’s your friend and He’s there for your happiness. He has a wonderful plan for your life. However, with a spiraling world economy, the increase in global disasters, wars, unstoppable diseases, massive floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, tsunamis, and escalating violence, it’s not so easy to make the promise of a bliss-filled future for those who respond to the gospel. "

Harvest Daily Devotion for 7/14/2011: "People Reaching People"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 7/14/2011: "People Reaching People": "It is worth noting that no person in the New Testament came to faith apart from the agency of a human being. Have you ever stopped and thought about that? We can find example after example."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Harvest Daily Devotion for 7/13/2011: "How Will They Hear?"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 7/13/2011: "How Will They Hear?": "Have you ever led someone to Christ? If not, why not? Maybe you think that God can never use you in this way, that you're just not gifted in that regard, and it is only for a privileged few to lead others to Christ"

As You Go | Matthew 28:19

As You Go | Matthew 28:19: "With the afterlife mugs available on our zazzle store you can evangelize even at work. Here is my mug by my computer during training at the office."

Hysterical Church Signs - Comedy Videos

Hysterical Church Signs - Comedy Videos

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Extent of God’s Love

The Extent of God’s Love: "Have you ever spoken to an unbeliever who knew some of his Bible—just enough to be angry and confused? If so, you probably heard questions (accusations) like these: “What kind of God orders the slaughter of entire cities—women, children, and animals included—without mercy? Why does God allow so much pain, suffering, and evil in the world? How do you reconcile the love of God with the eternal flames of hell?”"

On The Box: The Evangelist's Responsibility to the Local Church

On The Box: The Evangelist's Responsibility to the Local Church

Harvest Daily Devotion for 7/12/2011: "The Best Kind of Encouragement"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 7/12/2011: "The Best Kind of Encouragement": "When Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane, He told the disciples, 'Sit here while I go and pray over there' (Matthew 26:36). Then He handpicked Peter, James, and John to go with Him."

Monday, July 11, 2011

This Week on TV

This Week on TV: "How often and for how long do you pray? In this sermon, Dr. Stanley explains why prayer should be motivated by a desire to fellowship with the Lord, and not simply because we want something from Him."