Thursday, August 11, 2011

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/11/2011: "Who Will Go?"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/11/2011: "Who Will Go?": "God said in the presence of Isaiah, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' In a sense, God is still asking this question. Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? Will you go? Will you stand in the gap?"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/10/2011: "No Room for Prejudice"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/10/2011: "No Room for Prejudice": "Being an effective communicator of the gospel requires a willingness to reach out to people who are different from you. We tend to want to hang around people who look like us, who talk like us, and who are just like us. But how willing are we to leave our comfort zone and go to a person completely different from us with the message of the gospel?"

The Unparalleled Passion of Jesus Christ - Desiring God

The Unparalleled Passion of Jesus Christ - Desiring God: "If Christians were not so familiar with these things because of 2000 years of tradition and liturgy, they might feel how utterly unlikely it was that this death would be the basis of a world-transforming faith. How could it be that a convicted, condemned, executed pretender to the throne of Rome would unleash in the next three centuries a power to suffer and to love that shaped the empire?"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

‪Have You Forgotten the Lord Your God?‬‏ - YouTube

‪Have You Forgotten the Lord Your God?‬‏ - YouTube: ""

This Week on TV

This Week on TV: "When was the last time you were energized by the presence of God? In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that the awareness and the promise of God's presence in our lives is essential in our relationship with Him."

Growing Up: Becoming a Real Man

Growing Up: Becoming a Real Man: "Biblical manliness is about authentic character. It’s not about bravado, and it’s not about boyishness. Going out into the woods with a bunch of other men, putting on war paint, making animal noises, telling scary stories around a campfire, and then working up a good cry might be good, visceral fun and all, but that has nothing to do with the biblical idea of manliness."

‪The Rich Young Ruler‬‏ - YouTube

‪The Rich Young Ruler‬‏ - YouTube: ""

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/9/2011: "A Walk of Faith"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/9/2011: "A Walk of Faith": "The Bible tells the story of a man who had everything this world says one should have to feel happy and fulfilled: power, wealth, influence, and fame."

Monday, August 8, 2011

"Tentmakers" in Minneapolis - Desiring God

"Tentmakers" in Minneapolis - Desiring God: "My aim this morning is to inspire you to look at your secular vocation here in Minneapolis the way you would look at it if you were called by God to do this exact same vocation as a 'tentmaker' among an unreached people overseas."

On The Box: The Two Greatest Commandments

On The Box: The Two Greatest Commandments