Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Paradox of Karma | The Jesus Site Blog

The Paradox of Karma | The Jesus Site Blog: I wonder if many people have really ever thought about the idea of Karma. The way that I have always understood it, when you did something selfish, insensitive, rude, cruel, mean, or otherwise unkind you will accumulate “bad Karma.” On the other hand, when you do things that are kind, considerate, selfless, caring, loving or otherwise “good” you will earn “good Karma.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bible Prophecy News Politics Current Events Christian Intelligence - The Omega Letter

Bible Prophecy News Politics Current Events Christian Intelligence - The Omega Letter: The social justice era is in full bloom. As politicians try to sort out at which door we must lay the blame of our financial ruin, the political solution will be neatly wrapped in social justice and delivered to society marked C.O.D. (collect on delivery).

Bible Prophecy News Politics Current Events Christian Intelligence - The Omega Letter

Bible Prophecy News Politics Current Events Christian Intelligence - The Omega Letter: One of the main arguments against the doctrine of eternal security to those who don't understand it is that its opponents believe it is a 'license to sin'.

Stone the Preacher

Stone the Preacher: Why would I hand out gospel tracts at an evangelistic event that has been a yearly fixture in Southern California (and other places) for over twenty years? Shouldn’t I just trust evangelist Greg Laurie to do the job? I have four reasons for doing this:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wretched on the YRR

Wretched on the YRR: Be sure to catch Todd Friel interview Phil Johnson today at 12:00 noon PST on his radio program, “Wretched with Todd Friel.” It’s sure to be a lively discussion about John MacArthur’s YRR series.

Harvest Bible Chapel - Minneapolis - Harvest West Minneapolis - Sunday Messages

Harvest Bible Chapel - Minneapolis - Harvest West Minneapolis - Sunday Messages: Fill This House With Endurance

A cult? - YouTube

A cult? - YouTube:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/17/2011: "The Only Way"

Harvest Daily Devotion for 8/17/2011: "The Only Way": "People like to assert that all religions are true and that Jesus is one of many ways that lead to God. They usually have a bumper sticker that reads, 'Coexist' and includes a variety of religious symbols. That is a nice sentiment."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beer, Bohemianism, and True Christian Liberty

Beer, Bohemianism, and True Christian Liberty: "If everything you know about Christian living came from blogs and websites in the young-and-restless district of the Reformed community, you might have the impression that beer is the principal symbol of Christian liberty."