Saturday, December 24, 2011

Many Republicans believe Mormonism is a non-Christian faith | - Nation/World

Many Republicans believe Mormonism is a non-Christian faith | - Nation/World: "WASHINGTON — A new poll suggests that Mitt Romney's faith could play a role in the 2012 Republican nominating race, with a sizable part of respondents saying they believe that Mormonism is a non-Christian faith."

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Year in Review 2011 from a Christian's Viewpoint - Bangor Christianity |

Year in Review 2011 from a Christian's Viewpoint - Bangor Christianity | "The year of 2011 is coming to a close. The church corporate is in a deep slumber that has lasted some 50 years. A revival is needed for this country to survive without God's wrath sweeping the land. Here are the views of Christians as the year of 2011 comes to a close. Tell me from these views how the church is being taught the straight and inerrant Word of God:"

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Christian college sues over abortion pill mandate - Washington Times

Christian college sues over abortion pill mandate - Washington Times: "A Christian college is suing the Obama administration over requiring businesses to pay for insurance plans that cover Plan B and ella — two types of birth-control pills the college and other prolife advocates view as abortifacient."

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When God Became a Man - A New Beginning with Greg Laurie

When God Became a Man - A New Beginning with Greg Laurie: "It has been rightly said that the history of the world hinges on a stable door in Bethlehem. The birth of Jesus in a little stable in Bethlehem forever changed the history of the world. Jesus was God with skin on, walking among us and showing us what God is like. He was not a man who became God, which is impossible, but God who became a man."

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ex-Prisoner of North Korea Speaks Out Against Christian Genocide, Christian News

Ex-Prisoner of North Korea Speaks Out Against Christian Genocide, Christian News: "Some think the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il has opened a window of opportunity for the international community to take a stand against the atrocities committed against the North Korean people, and well-known activist Robert Park is one of them."

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Reverse Thinking - YouTube

Reverse Thinking - YouTube: ""

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Islam Commands Individual Jihad | Fighting Radical Islam

Islam Commands Individual Jihad | Fighting Radical Islam: "According to Islamic law, Jihad is warfare to spread the religion and is obligatory for all Muslims everywhere until such time as “there is no more Fitna [resistance to Islam] and the religion will all be for Allah alone."

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On The Box: Nervousness: An Evangelist's Silent Friend

On The Box: Nervousness: An Evangelist's Silent Friend: "Hundreds of times in the Word of God, the child of God is encouraged, warned, and commanded to not be afraid. The Christian is not to fear life, death, persecution, tribulation, people, consequences, or circumstances. But Christ came to save sinners; and even redeemed sinners fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23) and sin against Him by being fearful, from time to time."

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Greg Laurie Daily Devotions - Harvest Daily 03/12/04 - Christian Devotional

Greg Laurie Daily Devotions - Harvest Daily 03/12/04 - Christian Devotional: "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him."  (John 1:11)
When King Herod heard that one had been born King of the Jews, he summoned the chief priests and scribes to inquire where the Christ was to be born (see Matthew 2:4).  They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet . . .'" (Matthew 2:5-6)."

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Key to Reconciliation - A New Beginning with Greg Laurie

The Key to Reconciliation - A New Beginning with Greg Laurie: "When the apostle Paul went to Athens and preached the gospel, he walked around the city and saw that it was completely given over to idolatry. Athens was known for its cultural learning. It was known for its incredible edifices. And it was also known for spirituality."

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