Thursday, January 12, 2012

In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley - In Touch - Aug. 16, 2011 - Christian Devotional

In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley - In Touch - Aug. 16, 2011 - Christian Devotional: "On any given day, we may encounter frustrating people and situations, such as the slow driver, mischievous child, or uncooperative co-worker. We may feel like lashing out, but God wants us to stay calm and be patient with everyone (1 Thess. 5:14)."

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Women pastors / preachers? What does the Bible say about women in ministry?

Women pastors / preachers? What does the Bible say about women in ministry?: " There is perhaps no more hotly debated issue in the church today than the issue of women serving as pastors/preachers. As a result, it is very important to not see this issue as men versus women."

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John MacArthur's Biography

John MacArthur's Biography: "John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, as well as an author, conference speaker, president of The Master’s College and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry."

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Day by Day with Charles Swindoll - Day by Day - July 21, 2010 - Christian Devotional

Day by Day with Charles Swindoll - Day by Day - July 21, 2010 - Christian Devotional: "Philip Melanchthon and Martin Luther were once deciding on the day's agenda. The former was disciplined, intellectually gifted, serious, and goal-driven; the latter was equally intelligent but much more emotional, risky, even playful."

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Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Fiery Trials

Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Fiery Trials: "God doesn’t always come running when I have trials. He sometimes leaves me in them. Christians go through the same trials as the world does. We get wet when it rains and we bruise when we fall."

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Stone the Preacher

Stone the Preacher: "The American Spectator reported on some wonderful news: According to the International Bulletin of Missionary Research there are 80,000 new Christians every day! But there’s even better news. Keep reading."

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How Does the Death of Jesus Save Me?, Spiritual Living, Christian Faith

How Does the Death of Jesus Save Me?, Spiritual Living, Christian Faith: "I've been told that Jesus died for my sins. What does that mean exactly? How could the death of Jesus help me get to heaven? What does the death of Christ save me from? "

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Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Ugly Dogs

Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: Ugly Dogs: "If you’ve ever Googled “ugly dogs” and clicked on “Images” you’ve probably wondered how anyone could love these animals. But they are often loved by their owners because their love is blind. "

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Hope That Transcends the Groaning

Hope That Transcends the Groaning: "We have been going through a series on the Holy Spirit. It was generated by my own heart concern for the terrible ways that the Holy Spirit is dishonored in the name of evangelicalism today. The Charismatic Movement sort of leads the parade on abusing the Holy Spirit, grieving the Holy Spirit, insulting the Holy Spirit, even blaspheming the Holy Spirit."

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Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: This World's Philosophy

Words of Comfort -- Ray Comfort's Blog: This World's Philosophy: "After watching a very sharp friend cross swords with two secular guests on his TV program, my convictions deepened that we must be careful of the amount of time we expend trying to change minds when it comes to moral issues."

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