Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Texas Atheist ‘Flabbergasted’ by Outpouring of Christian Charity – The Gospel Coalition Blog

Texas Atheist ‘Flabbergasted’ by Outpouring of Christian Charity – The Gospel Coalition Blog: "The Story: According to the Athens Review, an atheist who had threatened to sue a Texas county over the display of a nativity scene says he is "completely flabbergasted" that Christians from that same county provided him financial assistance for a medical problem."

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Gay Is Not the New Black – The Gospel Coalition Blog

Gay Is Not the New Black – The Gospel Coalition Blog: "It's hard to deny that homosexual marriage appears to be a foregone conclusion in America. This is a frightening prospect not only for those of us who understand marriage to be a testimony of the relationship between Christ and his bride, the church, but also for all who value the family and its contribution to the well-being of society and human thriving. And while it's difficult to watch a coordinated, well-funded, well-connected propaganda strategy undermine thousands of years of human history, it's especially disconcerting to witness the use of the civil rights struggle as the vehicle for the strategy."

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

“How should I witness to my coworkers?” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence

“How should I witness to my coworkers?” | Ray Comfort's Daily Evidence: "When we interact with people on a daily basis, we have many opportunities for sharing our faith. First, be sure you are respectful to your employer and set a good example in your work ethic by working “as to the Lord” (Col. 3:23). When others around you grumble and complain, if you have a calm, forgiving, steadfast spirit, it will make an impression. As you respond in a Christlike way to angry coworkers and stressful circumstances, people will see a difference in your life."

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Monday, December 24, 2012

On The Box: Words of Comfort: The Redcoats (part 2)

On The Box: Words of Comfort: The Redcoats (part 2): "The Internet has given instant access to the darkest of sins. Hard core pornography is seconds away from the eyes of any youth who can type in the word “sex.” He can have instant delirious sinful pleasures at the click of a button. But it comes at a price. Those who give themselves to darkness will automatically cower away from and hate the light, and when any human being hardens his God-given conscience, he will find that he can also hate without any sense of guilt"

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Should we give gifts at Christmas?

Should we give gifts at Christmas?: "Answer: Many people take the idea of gift giving at Christmas back to the scripture in Matthew 2:10-11 which talks about the Magi (wise men) giving gifts to Jesus at his home: "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.""

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What should parents tell their children about Santa Claus?

What should parents tell their children about Santa Claus?: "Answer: Although Santa Claus is a mythical figure, his creation is based in part on a great Christian man named Saint Nicholas of Myra, who lived in the 4th century. Nicholas was born to Christian parents who left him an inheritance when they died, which he distributed to the poor. He became a priest at a young age and was well-known for his compassion and generosity. He had a reputation for giving gifts anonymously, and he would throw bags of money into people's homes (and sometimes down their chimneys) under the cover of night to avoid being spotted."

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How should Christians respond to the "War on Christmas"?

How should Christians respond to the "War on Christmas"?: "Answer: Many people perceive that there is a concerted effort to eliminate the word “Christmas” from public discourse—sort of a “war on Christmas.” The stories seem to be coming more frequently: a grade-school choir sings “We Wish You a Happy Holiday” instead of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” for their “Winter Concert"

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On The Box: Words of Comfort: The Redcoats (part 1)

On The Box: Words of Comfort: The Redcoats (part 1): "It’s strange that more people don’t ask themselves why Jews are hated. When I researched for my book, Hitler, God, and the Bible I wept my way through the Holocaust. I saw pictures that left me in horror at the cruelty of mankind…pictures so horrific in nature I don’t want to even describe them"

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