Saturday, April 27, 2013

School Claims Right to Censor Pro-Life 6th-Grader

School Claims Right to Censor Pro-Life 6th-Grader: "A charter school in Minnesota has told a parent that administrators claim the right to censor whatever they want of a student’s speech outside of class time, including a 6th-grader’s expression of her deeply held pro-life views."

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Obama to Largest Abortion Provider: ‘God Bless You’

Obama to Largest Abortion Provider: ‘God Bless You’: "President Obama ended his address to the largest abortion provider in the U.S., Planned Parenthood, by saying, “God bless you.”"

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sex in heaven, will there be?

Sex in heaven, will there be?: "You may have thought about this, you may not have. Hopefully this will give you something to think about."

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The Real Message of Duck Dynasty

The Real Message of Duck Dynasty: "he entertainment hit from out of nowhere, Duck Dynasty, is now in its third season on A&E. The Robertsons—the family the show is based around—appear to be as unchanged by their newfound fame as is humanly possible."

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Obama Tells Nation to Let Government Think for Them

Obama Tells Nation to Let Government Think for Them: "Since taking office in January of 2009, President Barack Obama has systematically stripped the American people of their rights and freedoms.  He has done his utmost to take control of as many aspects of our lives as possible.  Simply stated, Obama wants to own us and our lives just like the plantation owners owned their slaves 200 years ago."

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

On The Box: Words of Comfort: Making Fun of Christians.

On The Box: Words of Comfort: Making Fun of Christians.: "Don't you love it when the bully who mocks the blind kid gets his face planted in the dirt? Such movies are heart-warming. The Bible says that there is a reason that Christians are the brunt of mockery. It's because “God has ensnared the wicked in his own craftiness." In this world, where the rich get richer and the poor get stomped on, God has done the most wonderful of things."

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Monday, April 22, 2013

On The Box: Words of Comfort: The Internet

On The Box: Words of Comfort: The Internet: "n the mid 1990s a friend excitedly shared how the government had interconnected a number of computers for the purpose of sharing information. As another friend and I listened to him, we had no idea how this "Information Highway" was going to change our lives. The Information Highway evolved into "the World Wide Web," and finally settled on being called "The Internet.""

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Army Removes Bible Verses From Scopes - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Army Removes Bible Verses From Scopes - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "The U.S. Army is directing troops to remove a Bible inscription that a vendor etched into the serial numbers of weapon scopes, Fox News has learned.

Soldiers at Fort Wainwright in Alaska told Fox News they received a directive to turn in their scopes so the Bible references could be removed."

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Still Think Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? – You Won’t After Seeing This

Still Think Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? – You Won’t After Seeing This: "While many in the media, including Fox News, CNN, the Washington Post and others, including politicians like Barack Hussein Obama and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) continue to promote the lie that Islam is a “peaceful religion,”"

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Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Gay pride” necessitates anti-Christian hate. It must. “Gay marriage” and other “sexual orientation”-based laws do violence to freedom and truth. They are the hammer with which the postmodern left intends to bludgeon bloody religious liberty and the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic."

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