Monday, September 9, 2013

San Antonio Bars Christian Businesses From Doing Business With City | Godfather Politics

San Antonio Bars Christian Businesses From Doing Business With City | Godfather Politics: "Christian persecution is escalating in America and it’s being conducted by local, state and federal governments.  The latest example of Christian persecution can be found in the recent actions taken by the San Antonio City Council."

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Duck Dynasty's Uncle Si is Chasing the Ladies Away » Eagle Rising

Duck Dynasty's Uncle Si is Chasing the Ladies Away » Eagle Rising: "The folks of Duck Dynasty on A&E are busy. They run a successful duck call business, they are taping one of the most popular shows cable television has ever seen, they have speaking engagements that take them around the country and the world, and now they are busy publicizing books that they've written! If you are a fan of the show, like me, then you would be surprised to find out that Uncle Si Robertson is the most recent Duck Dynasty star to pen a tome."

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BGEA: September 2: I should've done something else. Did I fail to listen to God when I was choosing my career?

BGEA: September 2: I should've done something else. Did I fail to listen to God when I was choosing my career?: "This week was Labor Day in the United States -- a special day when we honor all those who've made our nation great through their work. We sometimes see work as a burden (and it can be), but our work is important to God; even in the Garden of Eden God gave Adam work to do (see Genesis 2:15). Work gives dignity and meaning to our lives, and helps us make the world a better place."

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pocket : Franklin Graham: Persecution of Church Growing

Pocket : Franklin Graham: Persecution of Church Growing: "In Ward 350 of Iran’s notorious Evin Prison, American pastor Saeed Abedini is incarcerated with 30–40 other prisoners, twice the legal limit for this section of the prison."

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Pocket : Pennsylvania Pastor Ewing Marietta Responds to Atheist Lawsuit By Installing More Ten Commandments Monuments

Pocket : Pennsylvania Pastor Ewing Marietta Responds to Atheist Lawsuit By Installing More Ten Commandments Monuments: "CONNELLSVILLE, Penn. - A Pennsylvania pastor is responding to a lawsuit filed by a prominent atheist activist group surrounding the presence of a Ten Commandments monument at a local junior high school by installing numerous other monuments throughout the community and surrounding area."

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Pocket : Shame on Obama if He's a Christian

Pocket : Shame on Obama if He's a Christian: "CAIRO, EGYPT (Worthy News)– An Egyptian Christian cleric has chastised President Barack Obama and his administration for not speaking out against the Muslim Brotherhood's persecution of the Church, according to the Christian Broadcasting Network News.
In the aftermath of the destruction of many church buildings by Brotherhood members, Father Rafic Greiche, spokesman for the Catholic Church in Egypt, criticized Obama for not speaking out against the worst violence seen by Egyptian Christians in nearly 700 years."

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▶ Episode 15 - An Evening With Ray Comfort by NoGodCast

▶ Episode 15 - An Evening With Ray Comfort by NoGodCast: "Tonight we sit down with Ray Comfort and ask some questions about his beliefs, accusations of dishonest editing, what is meant by the term "kinds", and why he believes what he believes. Not a debate, but an interview. Listen and make up your own mind about Ray Comfort."

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Outlook -

Outlook - ""Mr. Comfort, can you suggest an obvious fact that I can debate publicly to rile people up? A b-list actor to help spread my name? A monkey suit I can rent to hand out pamphlets? I just need an idea to strike nerves. How about denying the holocaust or taking away womens' civil rights, claiming that ribs aren't people? I'd like to make approx $3,112, 224 million annually and not have to pay tax on it, or give anything to charity. Anyways, thanks for any ideas in advance…." D.T."

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Homosexuals Drive Christian Bakers Out of Business | Godfather Politics

Homosexuals Drive Christian Bakers Out of Business | Godfather Politics: "Threats and legal pressure from homosexual activists have driven a Christian bakery in Oregon to close its doors."

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Feds Fight to Stop Baptisms » Eagle Rising

Feds Fight to Stop Baptisms » Eagle Rising: "Todd Starnes of Fox News online brings us some harrowing stories of government oppression of Christians, here in our own backyards. In a recent article he discussed the problems some churches in Missouri were having with the federal government. Apparently, the Feds don't like watching Christians baptize converts."

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