Friday, January 24, 2014

Words of Comfort: Knowledge of sin. —

Words of Comfort: Knowledge of sin. — "Some people do not like to hear much of repentance; but I think it is so necessary that if I should die in the pulpit, I would desire to die preaching repentance, and if out of the pulpit I would desire to die practicing it.” Matthew Henry"

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Switchfoot’s New Album Debuts Atop ‘Billboard’ Chart

Switchfoot’s New Album Debuts Atop ‘Billboard’ Chart: "Switchfoot’s Fading West debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Christian/gospel chart, as well as hitting No. 2 on the overall rock album chart and No. 6 in the Top 200. The new album, which hit stores Jan. 14, has already passed the high mark set by the band’s 2011 album, Vice Verses, which peaked at No. 8 on the Top 200 chart."

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Homosexuals Sue to Overturn Florida’s Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage - Crossmap Christian News | U.S.

Homosexuals Sue to Overturn Florida’s Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage - Crossmap Christian News | U.S.: "Six homosexuals and their partners have filed a lawsuit in Florida in an effort to overturn the state's constitutional amendment enshrining marriage as being between a man and a woman."

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Answers: Struggling with Patience? | Story | BGEA

Answers: Struggling with Patience? | Story | BGEA: " If I had to make a list of my faults, the first thing on the list would have to be “impatience.” I wish I was a more patient person, but I’m afraid it just isn’t in me to be that way. Does the Bible say anything about this?"

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Christian Issues | Issues affecting Christians

Christian Issues | Issues affecting Christians: "The law in Oregon says about religious freedom, “ “Freedom of religious opinion. No law shall in any case whatever control the free exercise, and enjoyment of religious opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience.”  This seems to be pretty clear that you can’t force anyone to do something if if interferes with the religious beliefs."

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Left Uses Cussing 'Jesus' to Push Abortion Agenda

Left Uses Cussing 'Jesus' to Push Abortion Agenda: "As pro-life marchers bore icy weather in Washington, D.C., to commemorate the 40 years since the Supreme Court made its landmark Roe v. Wade decision, the Left was churning out new pro-abortion propaganda, even invoking Jesus to support their cause."

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What Does Evangelism Look Like, Anyway? —

What Does Evangelism Look Like, Anyway? — "I’m always grateful when someone feels compelled to share a blog post.  I’d say it is humbling to know that my thoughts are influencing preachers and lay people alike, but anyone who knows me, knows that humility isn’t something I’m very good at.  I do consider it a blessing to be invited into the lives of people I don’t even know, which is, apart from my own spiritual need to do this, the main reason I keep blogging even on busy and stress filled days. "

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How To Help Your Teen Get Closer To God —

How To Help Your Teen Get Closer To God — "Keeping a teenager focused on God is important as they begin to experience proms, dating, college and a host of other changes that occur in their life. According to Gina McClain, children change as they become teenagers, and the beliefs they held onto as children begin to change.  No longer will they depend on their parent’s ideals and beliefs – they begin to seek truth on their own terms.  This is quite normal and part of the growing process, says Gina."

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Words of Comfort: Planet Earth. —

Words of Comfort: Planet Earth. — "“Hate to break it to you but you live on planet Earth. Planet Earth is your home.” Mark Howard

It’s not common knowledge that this planet is our home. We are going to inherit this earth. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." "

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What Do You Do If Your Church Hurts You? —

What Do You Do If Your Church Hurts You? — "No one expects to be mistreated by their pastor, the First Lady or even one of the deacons.  So, how do you handle being hurt by someone at the church?  Do you leave?  Do you confront the individual?  Or do you just turn the ‘other cheek’?   In a short article written by Jennifer Claire, ‘Overcoming Hurt Feelings, God’s Way,’ she explains the steps to take in such a situation.  She discussed the issue while appearing as a guest on the Love and Life Radio show with Coach Steph.  What would Jesus do?"

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