Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pastor's Corner: The Power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Pastor's Corner: The Power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: "Every year we take a day to remember and celebrate as a church the impact of the Resurrection. Yet, the Christian experiences the resurrection every day. Each day we celebrate the risen Lord, who sits on His throne after accomplishing salvation for mankind. The whole of Christianity hinges on the fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day."

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3 Bible Verses That Every Husband Should Read - Christian Blog - Christian Blog

3 Bible Verses That Every Husband Should Read - Christian Blog - Christian Blog: "Being a Christian husband comes with a lot of high expectations. This is because the society has put some standards that a typical Christian husband should live up to. More importantly, he should be a person of noble character who walks in the precepts of Jesus Christ. The scripture clearly stipulates a model of a good husband through various teachings. He should be a leader and not a dictator; he should be the head of his family as Christ is the head of the church. Here are 3 bible verses that every husband should read:"

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3 Bible Verses Every Father Should Read - Christian Blog - Christian Blog

3 Bible Verses Every Father Should Read - Christian Blog - Christian Blog: "Being a father puts a man in a position of greatly influencing the destiny of a child. A good father will make a great difference in the life of his son or daughter. No matter how old a child is, the father is still in a position to influence him or her through words and action. He should recognize all the needs of the child and attend to them appropriately. He should also be in a position to offer sound advice and counsel to the child. Here are three bible verses a father should read:"

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The Glory of Christ's Resurrection - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

The Glory of Christ's Resurrection - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "The world is once again recognizing that the advance of years -
such as “2014,” is based on the life of Jesus Christ. 2014 years
since His approximate birth. But this is not just an observation
of His birth, but more important, the birth of the Son of God;
the Christ; the Savior of mankind. "

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

What does the Bible say about being self-centered?

What does the Bible say about being self-centered?: ": Self-centeredness is defined as “immoderate concern with one’s own interests and well-being; self-love or egotism.” The Bible tells us “people who are self-centered aren’t able to please God” (Romans 8:8, CEB). Self-centeredness is a sin because it leads to being devoted to self-gratification and overlooking other people’s needs (Romans 2:8; James 3:16). Self-centeredness and self-love are totally antithetical to the teachings of Scripture (1 Corinthians 13:4–7)."

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What does the Bible say about ego?

What does the Bible say about ego?: " While the word ego does not appear in the Bible, concepts and principles regarding the ego certainly do. The word ego generally refers to an exaggerated sense of self-importance, which usually results is an excessive preoccupation with “self.” But dying to self, the polar opposite of ego, is the biblical model for Christians. The Bible is filled with admonitions against the self because of man’s inherent desire to be worshiped. In fact, all the various forms of modern idolatry have self at their very core. The dark forces of this age have convinced many that contentment is achieved only by satisfying the urges of the self. And we can trace this all the way back to the Garden of Eden where Eve became stirred by Satan’s lie that she could “be like God” (Genesis 3:5)."

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What does the Bible say about self-pity?

What does the Bible say about self-pity?: "Answer: Every human being is prone to self-pity. We are born self-centered, with a powerful drive to protect our egos and our “rights.” When we decide that life has not treated us as we have the right to be treated, self-pity is the result. Self-pity causes us to sulk and obsess over our hurts, real or perceived. At the heart of self-pity is a disagreement with God over how life—and He—has treated us."

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Question of the Week

Question of the Week: " The resurrection of Jesus is important for several reasons. First, it witnesses to the immense power of God Himself. To believe in the resurrection is to believe in God. If God exists, and if He created the universe and has power over it, He has power to raise the dead. If He does not have such power, He is not a God worthy of our faith and worship. "

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The US Today Looks an Awful lot Like Ancient Rome - Press Release - Digital Journal

The US Today Looks an Awful lot Like Ancient Rome - Press Release - Digital Journal: "People bought and sold senate seats. They craved publicity, fame, and celebrity. The masses celebrated sports and wealth. While these attributes typify the people of ancient Rome, they also directly apply to Americans today."

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Failing the Smell Test: Evangelical Christian Publisher Endorsing Gay Christianity? | ccithink

Failing the Smell Test: Evangelical Christian Publisher Endorsing Gay Christianity? | ccithink: "Here comes more of what we are going to see a whole lot of: Christian ministries, organizations, publishers, and business leaders trying to thread the needle of compartmentalization between what they say they believe and what they are actually practicing or willing to endorse. In the last three weeks, there have been three notable instances demonstrating the struggle that is coming and which, in fact, is already here."

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